We're taught that forgiveness is good for us and that good people forgive. But, is this true? The presenter will spell out concrete strategies for helping hurt parties get healthy, including overcoming their bitter preoccupation with the unrepentant offender, de-shaming the injury, and making peace with the past - all without forgiving.
Couples who appear warm and friendly can be deceptively difficult. They fear intensity, anger and deep involvement. We will focus on principles for managing sessions, core competencies required in the therapist, and what it takes to support each partner's development to enable more intimacy and sexuality.
This workshop will give you a language to help hurt parties normalize the profound sense of psychological loss they experience after an affair. It also will spell our exactly what unfaithful partners can do to earn forgiveness and what hurt partners can do to help foster forgiveness.
The story of intimacy and sexuality in committed modern couples is one that often tells of dwindling desire and includes a long list of sexual alibis, claiming to explain the inescapable weakening of erotic connection. The absence of fantasy, the proliferation of pornography and affairs, as well as a lack of understanding of the nature of erotic desire all contribute to the depression, loneliness and despair. In this workshop we will probe the intricacies of love and desire. Through case examples and video vignettes, Ms. Perel will introduce innovative strategies for partners to take emotional risks when negotiating their dual needs for connection and autonomy, predictability and passion. This model applies to young, old, married and not, heterosexual and same sex couples.
Madanes will present fifteen innovative strategies for working with difficult couples. Some will be illustrated with videotapes of actual therapy sessions.
No other aspect in the lives of couples, today as well as yesterday, generates more fascination, gossip and fear as infidelity. In our society, sexual infidelity is mostly seen as a symptom of a relationship gone awry. The revelation of an affair can trigger a crisis that shakes the very foundation of trust and connection in the couple. The purpose of this workshop is to present a multi-cultural, non-judgmental perspective to probe the meanings of affairs, rethink fidelity, and address the complexities of marriage, sex, intimacy, and monogamy. We will look at the value and the price of honesty and truth telling, and explore the circuitous ways affairs aim to stabilize a marriage and prevent the dissolution of the family.
This workshop focuses on the specific use of cognitive-behavioral strategies as an adjunct to the many treatment modalities of couples' therapy. It offers a basic overview of the theories of cognitive-behavioral therapy, particularly as it applies to couples. Participants will learn first-hand techniques and strategies for working with difficult couples and how to integrate these strategies with their respective modes of treatment. The presentation is followed by a videotape that demonstrates the implentation of techniques and interventions.
This workshop focuses on the specific use of cognitive-behavioral strategies as an adjunct to the many treatment modalities of family therapy. It offers a basic overview of the theories of cognitive-behavioral therapy, particularly as it applies to families. Participants will learn first-hand techniques and strategies for working with difficult families and how to integrate these strategies with their respective modes of treatment. Video clips and case reviews will be used. A question and answer period will follow.
Several new studies have uncovered a seismatic shift that has taken place regarding the purpose and practice of marriage. These research findings explain many of the difficulties we face behind the therapy door. Come get a research update and clinical applications for couple's therapy. Lecture, video, handouts, discussion, demonstration will be utilized.