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EP20 Speech 12 - The Sex-Starved Marriage: A Practical Model for Helping Couples Bridge the Sexual Desire Gaps - Michele Weiner-Davis, LCSW

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Topic Areas:
Couples Therapy |  Sex and Sexuality |  Speeches |  Marriage
Evolution of Psychotherapy |  Evolution of Psychotherapy 2020
Michele Weiner-Davis, LCSW
Course Levels:
Master Degree or Higher in Health-Related Field
49 minutes
Audio and Video
Original Program Date:
Dec 13, 2020
Never Expires.



One out of every three couples struggles with mismatched sexual desire—a formula for marital disaster. When one spouse is sexually dissatisfied and the other is oblivious, unconcerned, or uncaring, sex isn’t the only casualty; a sense of emotional connection can also disappear.

Complicating matters is that fact that many couples (and some therapists) feel uncomfortable discussing sex and remain focused on “Red Herring” issues. This workshop offers a hands-on, collaborative model for addressing the "elephant in the room" and restoring sexual and emotional connection.


Educational Objectives:

  1. Motivate the lower-desire partner to feel more empathy for their higher-desire spouse
  2. End the vicious cycle of rejection that leads to anger, more refusal, and more anger
  3. Persuade each partner to take personal responsibility for breaking patterns that lead to emotional and physical disconnection

*Sessions may be edited for content and to preserve confidentiality*



Michele Weiner-Davis, LCSW's Profile

Michele Weiner-Davis, LCSW Related Seminars and Products

Michele Weiner-Davis, LCSW is the Founder of The Divorce Busting Center in Boulder, Colorado. She is a popular TEDx speaker and the author of eight books including, Healing From Infidelity, and the bestselling Divorce Busting and The Sex-Starved Marriage. She is the recipient of several prestigious awards including the Outstanding Contribution to Marriage and Family Therapy Award from AAMFT. 
