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Topic Areas:
Milton Erickson |  Multicultural |  Ericksonian Hypnosis and Therapy Techniques |  Utilization |  Hypnosis |  Psychotherapy |  Strategic Therapy
Spanish Erickson Video Bundle
Erickson Streaming Video Collection |  Erickson Materials |  Milton H. Erickson Collections |  Spanish |  World Languages
Jeffrey Zeig, PhD |  Milton H. Erickson, MD
Course Levels:
Master Degree or Higher in Health-Related Field
59 Minutes
Audio and Video
Original Program Date:
Aug 13, 2020
Short Description:
Milton Erickson a menudo aconsejaba a los estudiantes de psicoterapia que estudiaran antropología para que la terapia pudiera proporcionarse desde la perspectiva del trasfondo cultural del cliente. En el video, Erickson usa su comprensión de la orientación cultural cuando trabaja con un adolescente donde el problema que se presenta es un defecto del habla. Este es un caso muy informativo del uso de procesos estratégicos y sistémicos que se pueden aplicar a otros problemas presentes.
$19.95 - Base Price

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Video Stream
Also Available

Average Rating:
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Topic Areas:
Milton Erickson |  Ericksonian Hypnosis and Therapy Techniques |  Hypnotherapy |  Phobia |  Strategic Therapy |  Hypnosis
Spanish Erickson Video Bundle
Erickson Streaming Video Collection |  Erickson Materials |  Milton H. Erickson Collections |  Spanish |  World Languages
Jeffrey Zeig, PhD |  Milton H. Erickson, MD
Course Levels:
Master Degree or Higher in Health-Related Field
1 Hour 12 Minutes
Audio and Video
Original Program Date:
Aug 13, 2020
Short Description:
Este video contiene la mejor ilustración de cómo Milton Erickson maneja los casos que se le presentan. Utilizando tanto la hipnoterapia como las directivas estratégicas, Erickson trabaja con una mujer que tiene fobia a volar en un avión. Este caso significativo ejemplifica los principios y prácticas fundamentales de un enfoque ericksoniano. Estos pueden aplicarse a otros problemas que se presenten y ser utilizados por los médicos que se suscriben a otras metodologías de tratamiento para un problema en particular.
$49.95 - Base Price

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Video Stream
Also Available

Average Rating:
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Topic Areas:
Pain and Healing |  Milton Erickson |  Ericksonian Hypnosis and Therapy Techniques |  Hypnosis |  Strategic Therapy |  Utilization |  Cancer
Erickson Materials |  Erickson Streaming Video Collection |  Milton H. Erickson Collections
Milton H. Erickson, MD |  Jeffrey Zeig, PhD
Course Levels:
Master Degree or Higher in Health-Related Field
1 hour
Audio and Video
Original Program Date:
May 07, 2020
Short Description:
This video features three separate cases, but all demonstrate Erickson’s fundamental method of utilization. Utilization is the foundation of solutions to all problems, and it is a philosophy of living which was central Erickson’s life and work as a therapist. He demonstrated that whatever existed in the situation, whatever the patient presented, could be utilized to advance the therapy.
$29.95 - Base Price

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Audio Stream

Average Rating:
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Topic Areas:
Workshops |  Multicultural |  Strategic Therapy |  Strengths-Based
Erickson Congress |  Erickson Congress 2019
Terry Soo-Hoo, PhD
2 Hours 3 Minutes
Audio Only
Original Program Date:
Dec 15, 2019
Short Description:
Much of this Workshop will address issues of culture, race, sexual orientation, diversity and social justice and equality, etc. A major premise is the idea that all therapy is multicultural therapy. This means that every client brings to therapy a unique world and therefore the challenge for every therapy is for the therapist to be able to enter the unique world of each client. This therapy method is especially adept at working with cultural differences as it is highly adaptable and therefore able to work within the unique world of the client.
$15.00 - Base Price

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Video Stream

Average Rating:
Not yet rated
Topic Areas:
Clinical Demonstrations |  Love |  Evocative Communication |  Solution Oriented Approach |  Strategic Therapy
Erickson Congress |  Erickson Congress 2019
Michael Munion, MA, LPC
Course Levels:
Master Degree or Higher in Health-Related Field
58 Minutes
Audio and Video
Original Program Date:
Dec 14, 2019
Short Description:
This demonstration entails identification of desired change, assessment and enhancement of motivation, and implementation of a solution oriented, strategic intervention. This approach utilizes client strengths and experiences to improve outcome through accessing prior success experiences.
Sale is $29.00 price reduced from Base Price - $59.00

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Audio Stream

Average Rating:
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Topic Areas:
Conversation Hours |  Psychotherapy |  Brief Therapy |  Strategic Therapy |  Utilization
Erickson Congress |  Erickson Congress 2019
Eric Greenleaf, PhD
59 Minutes
Audio Only
Original Program Date:
Dec 13, 2019
Short Description:
Participants will discuss the place of emotional expression in the conduct of modern brief, strategic and hypnotic psychotherapies.
$15.00 - Base Price

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Video Stream

Average Rating:
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Topic Areas:
Master Classes |  Hypnosis |  Psychotherapy |  Ericksonian Hypnosis and Therapy Techniques |  Strategic Therapy |  Ericksonian Psychotherapy |  Experiential Therapy |  Hypnotherapy
Brief Therapy Conference |  Brief Therapy Conference 2018
Michael Yapko, PhD |  Jeffrey Zeig, PhD
Course Levels:
Master Degree or Higher in Health-Related Field
Audio and Video
Original Program Date:
Dec 10, 2018
Short Description:
Ericksonian hypnotherapy and strategic approaches promote experiential methods of change. In combination they can be synergistic. Psychotherapy is best when clients have the experience of an alive, goal-oriented therapeutic process. Such dynamic empowering experiences pave the way for new understandings and growth-oriented possibilities. Drs. Yapko and Zeig will engage with each other and the participants to examine commonalities and differences in their work. The Master Class centers on providing then deconstructing demonstrations of Ericksonian Psychotherapy and Hypnosis, providing a unique opportunity for in-depth learning.
Sale is $29.00 price reduced from Base Price - $59.00

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Audio Stream

Average Rating:
Not yet rated
Topic Areas:
Speeches |  Multicultural |  Strategic Therapy |  Brief Therapy |  Strengths-Based
Brief Therapy Conference |  Brief Therapy Conference 2018
Terry Soo-Hoo, PhD
Audio Only
Original Program Date:
Dec 09, 2018
Short Description:
The Culturally Sensitive Strength-Based Strategic Therapy method was developed to integrate various principles founded by the Mental Research Institute (MRI) and Jay Haley’s Strategic Therapy approach as well as other methods to address these issues. In this workshop, guidelines will be presented for learning the principles of Culturally Sensitive Strength-Based Strategic Therapy. There will be an emphasis on effective strategies in working within the cultural context of the client and how this is critical to successful therapy. A structure will be presented for organizing the specific tasks and skills involved in different aspects of the method including activating the client’s strengths. Case examples, some on video recordings, will illustrate many innovative brief therapy techniques.
$15.00 - Base Price

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Video Stream

Credit available - Click Here for more information

Average Rating:
Not yet rated
Topic Areas:
Workshops |  Brief Therapy |  Evocative Communication |  Metaphors |  Strategic Therapy |  Utilization |  Psychotherapy
Brief Therapy Conference |  Brief Therapy Conference 2018 |  Online Continuing Education
Jeffrey Zeig, PhD
Course Levels:
Master Degree or Higher in Health-Related Field
Audio and Video
Original Program Date:
Dec 07, 2018
Short Description:
Three evocative orientations to psychotherapy, utilization, using metaphor, and strategic development, will be explained, demonstrated and practiced. There are components to each of these methods that will be addressed.
Sale is $29.00 price reduced from Base Price - $59.00

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Audio Stream

Average Rating:
Not yet rated
Topic Areas:
Speeches |  Strategic Therapy |  Couples Therapy |  Family Therapy |  Psychotherapy
EP17 Audio Streaming Build a Bundle
Evolution of Psychotherapy |  Evolution of Psychotherapy 2017
Cloe Madanes, HDL, LIC
Audio Only
Original Program Date:
Dec 16, 2017
Short Description:
Madanes will present 18 strategies that she developed for working with the whole age range and the whole range of problems presented to therapy. These interventions are in the tradition of Strategic Therapy in that the therapist plans a strategy that involves the social context of the individual and the therapist is directive, guiding clients towards the solutions for their challenges.
$15.00 - Base Price

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