- Average Rating:
- Not yet rated
- Topic Areas:
- Clinical Demonstrations | Belief Systems | Brief Therapy
- Categories:
- Brief Therapy Conference | Brief Therapy Conference 2003
- Faculty:
- Robert Dilts, BA
- Course Levels:
- Master Degree or Higher in Health-Related Field
- Duration:
- 1:02:04
- Format:
- Audio and Video
- Original Program Date:
- Dec 12, 2003
- Short Description:
- Educational Objectives: 1) To describe one method to help clients develop new perspectives with respect to limiting beliefs and assumptions. 2) To describe how to lead clients to reflect on themselves from different time frames and perceptual positions.
- Price:
Sale is $29.00
price reduced from Base Price - $59.00
Tags: Belief Systems Brief Therapy

- Average Rating:
- Not yet rated
- Topic Areas:
- Short Courses | Brief Therapy | Art and Creativity | Belief Systems
- Categories:
- Brief Therapy Conference | Brief Therapy Conference 2006
- Faculty:
- Joseph Sestito, MSSA, LISW-S
- Duration:
- 1:19:30
- Format:
- Audio Only
- Original Program Date:
- Dec 07, 2006
- Short Description:
- Participants will learn the insights that are presented in my most recent manuscript, Feeling Good about Writing (forward by Albert Ellis, PhD), which is the first book to apply the main principles of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy and Cognitive Behavior Therapy to writing blocks and the process of creative and nonfiction. We will also discuss the application to other creative endeavors and learn how to develop beliefs which empower, as opposed to defeating, creative processes.
- Price:
- $15.00 - Base Price

- Average Rating:
- Not yet rated
- Topic Areas:
- Dialogues | Belief Systems | Brief Therapy
- Categories:
- Brief Therapy Conference | Brief Therapy Conference 2008
- Faculty:
- Steve Andreas, MA, NLP | Robert Dilts, BA
- Duration:
- 56:51
- Format:
- Audio Only
- Original Program Date:
- Dec 13, 2008
- Short Description:
- BT08 Dialogue 05 - Working with Belief Systems - Steve Andreas, MA, Robert Dilts
- Price:
- $15.00 - Base Price
Tags: Belief Systems Brief Therapy

- Average Rating:
- Not yet rated
- Topic Areas:
- Short Courses | Belief Systems | Brief Therapy
- Categories:
- Brief Therapy Conference | Brief Therapy Conference 2008
- Faculty:
- John Lentz, D. Min.
- Duration:
- 1:25:53
- Format:
- Audio Only
- Original Program Date:
- Dec 11, 2008
- Short Description:
- This presentation is a brief therapy approach for negative, self-defeating beliefs, designed to assist participants to recognize more of their own strengths. Based partly on Erickson's style of dealing with negative beliefs, this presentation is very respectful and teaches indirect and direct methods. since many of these types of beliefs have a secret that keeps them in place and "the secret" may be none of our business, this approach build this in to be more effective.
- Price:
- $15.00 - Base Price
Tags: Belief Systems Brief Therapy
- Average Rating:
- Not yet rated
- Topic Areas:
- Clinical Demonstrations | Belief Systems | Brief Therapy | Somatic Experiences
- Categories:
- Brief Therapy Conference | Brief Therapy Conference 2010
- Faculty:
- Robert Dilts, BA
- Course Levels:
- Master Degree or Higher in Health-Related Field
- Duration:
- 58:36
- Format:
- Audio and Video
- Original Program Date:
- Dec 11, 2010
- Short Description:
- Beliefs are a powerful influence on our lives. It is common wisdom that if someone really believes he can do something he will do it, and if he believes something is impossible no amount of effort will convince him that it can be accomplished. This demonstration will show how to elicit and transform limiting beliefs through a simple methodology that engages somatic and non-verbal interactions with the client as well as verbal dialog.
- Price:
Sale is $29.00
price reduced from Base Price - $59.00

- Average Rating:
- Not yet rated
- Topic Areas:
- Short Courses | Meditation, Spirituality and Yoga | Mind-Body | Mindfulness | Multicultural | Belief Systems | Psychotherapy | Brief Therapy
- Categories:
- Brief Therapy Conference | Brief Therapy Conference 2010
- Faculty:
- Jeanne Hernandez
- Duration:
- 1:38:23
- Format:
- Audio Only
- Original Program Date:
- Dec 09, 2010
- Short Description:
- This workshop explores how the Indian belief system contains ingredients to keep the mind and body in harmony and promote wellbeing. We will explore adding into psychotherapy sessions totem strengths, shaman journeys, medicine wheels, time-frames, respect and gratitude; the circle of life, and symbols as reminders of the “right” path. With Jeanne Hernandez.
- Price:
- $15.00 - Base Price
Credit available - Click Here for more information
- Average Rating:
- Not yet rated
- Topic Areas:
- Clinical Demonstrations | Belief Systems | Brief Therapy | Resources
- Categories:
- Brief Therapy Conference | Brief Therapy Conference 2018 | Online Continuing Education
- Faculty:
- Robert Dilts, BA
- Course Levels:
- Master Degree or Higher in Health-Related Field
- Duration:
- 1:00:44
- Format:
- Audio and Video
- Original Program Date:
- Dec 08, 2018
- Short Description:
- "Belief barriers" are beliefs or assumptions that interfere with or undermine our motivation and progress toward the successful achievement of our goals. Many such barriers will emerge for clients during brief therapy. Therapists need to have the skill to create “belief bridges” that get over or bypass limiting beliefs and belief barriers, and ultimately create the possibility to transform them. This demonstration will show how to identify a belief barrier and help create a "belief bridge" that reconnects the client to key resources and shifts their focus to a broader perspective.
- Price:
Sale is $29.00
price reduced from Base Price - $59.00
Credit available - Click Here for more information
- Average Rating:
- Not yet rated
- Topic Areas:
- Short Courses | Brief Therapy | Belief Systems | Pain and Healing
- Categories:
- Brief Therapy Conference | Brief Therapy Conference 2018 | Online Continuing Education
- Faculty:
- Timothy Hallbom, MSW | Kris Hallbom, BA
- Course Levels:
- Master Degree or Higher in Health-Related Field
- Duration:
- 1:17:03
- Format:
- Audio and Video
- Original Program Date:
- Dec 06, 2018
- Short Description:
- Dynamic Spin Release™ is a powerful set of processes that allows users to quickly release their negative thought patterns and emotions, limiting beliefs and physical pain – in just one brief session.
- Price:
Sale is $29.00
price reduced from Base Price - $59.00
Credit available - Click Here for more information
- Average Rating:
- Not yet rated
- Topic Areas:
- Speeches | Belief Systems | Brief Therapy | Neuroscience
- Categories:
- Brief Therapy Conference | Brief Therapy Conference 2018 | Online Continuing Education
- Faculty:
- Robert Dilts, BA
- Course Levels:
- Master Degree or Higher in Health-Related Field
- Duration:
- 1:01:49
- Format:
- Audio and Video
- Original Program Date:
- Dec 09, 2018
- Short Description:
- ]Managing the process of change involves working with a number of levels of key factors. These factors include our environment (where and when we act), our behavior (what we do), our capabilities (how we think and plan), our values and beliefs (why we think and act the way we do), and our identity (who we perceive ourselves to be) and our sense of purpose (for whom and for what we dedicate ourselves). The presentation will explore the relevance of these different levels of influence to brief therapy and how they may be identified and addressed to help clients reach their therapeutic goals.
- Price:
Sale is $29.00
price reduced from Base Price - $59.00

- Average Rating:
- Not yet rated
- Topic Areas:
- Topical Interactions | Belief Systems | Brief Therapy | Therapist Development
- Categories:
- Brief Therapy Conference | Brief Therapy Conference 2018
- Faculty:
- Robert Dilts, BA
- Duration:
- 1:00:27
- Format:
- Audio Only
- Original Program Date:
- Dec 08, 2018
- Short Description:
- Our beliefs are a very powerful force upon our behavior. It is common knowledge that if someone really believes he can do something he will do it, and if he believes something is impossible no amount of effort will convince him that it can be accomplished. Times of change and crisis bring out the significance of our beliefs even more strongly. The beliefs and stories (mental models and assumptions) that we and others hold during an unstable or crucial time determine the degree of resourcefulness with which we will face the situation. Empowering beliefs help us to identify and take best advantage of potential opportunities, while limiting beliefs focus us on danger and can trap us into old survival strategies (i.e., attack, retreat, freeze, etc.). This interaction will explore how to identify and work with the belief issues that arise during brief therapy.
- Price:
- $15.00 - Base Price

- Average Rating:
- Not yet rated
- Topic Areas:
- Workshops | Belief Systems | Couples Therapy | Relationships
- Categories:
- Couples Conference | Couples Conference 2005
- Faculty:
- Peggy Papp, ACSW
- Duration:
- 2:00:56
- Format:
- Audio Only
- Original Program Date:
- Mar 05, 2005
- Short Description:
- Therapists sometimes get stuck trying to change a couple's interactional patterns without understanding the underlying belief systems that maintain the patterns. By zeroing in on the core beliefs and expectations of each partner, the therapist is able to address multiple levels of experience and help the couple change pivotal aspects of their relationship in a short period of time. Conflicting beliefs around money, sex, power, gender, responsibility and intimacy will be examined within this therapeutic framework.
- Price:
- $15.00 - Base Price

- Average Rating:
- Not yet rated
- Topic Areas:
- State of the Art Address | Belief Systems | Psychotherapy | Therapist Development
- Categories:
- Evolution of Psychotherapy | Evolution of Psychotherapy 2000
- Faculty:
- Albert Bandura
- Duration:
- 51 Minutes
- Format:
- Audio Only
- Original Program Date:
- May 27, 2000
- Short Description:
- State of the Art Address 03: Belief in one's personal efficacy is the foundation of human motivation, accomplishments and emotional well-being. This address will analyze the sources of people's beliefs in their efficacy, their cognitive, motivational and emotional effects, and how to build a resilient sense of efficacy for personal and social betterment.
- Price:
- $15.00 - Base Price

- Average Rating:
- Not yet rated
- Topic Areas:
- Psychotherapy | Dialogues | Belief Systems
- Categories:
- Evolution of Psychotherapy | Evolution of Psychotherapy 2013
- Faculty:
- Robert Dilts, BA | Stephen Gilligan, PhD
- Duration:
- 59 Minutes
- Format:
- Audio Only
- Original Program Date:
- Dec 13, 2013
- Short Description:
- EP13 Dialogue 09 – Belief Systems – Robert Dilts and Stephen Gilligan, PhD Moderator: Alexander Simpkins, PhD Educational Objectives: Given a topic, describe the differing approaches to psychotherapy, and identify the strengths and weaknesses of each approach.
- Price:
- $15.00 - Base Price
- Average Rating:
- Not yet rated
- Topic Areas:
- Belief Systems | Clinical Demonstrations
- Categories:
- Evolution of Psychotherapy | Evolution of Psychotherapy 2021
- Faculty:
- Robert Dilts, BA
- Course Levels:
- Master Degree or Higher in Health-Related Field
- Duration:
- 1 hour
- Format:
- Audio and Video
- Original Program Date:
- Dec 03, 2021
- Short Description:
- Our beliefs exert a very powerful force on our behavior. Our beliefs about ourselves and what is possible in the world around us greatly impact our capacity for change and healing. Limiting beliefs, or belief barriers, can act like an invisible force that interfere with our capacity to be resourceful and trap us in unhealthy patterns of behavior. Empowering beliefs help us to identify and take best advantage of potential opportunities. This demonstration will show how to identify and transform belief barriers by integrating somatic and emotional intelligence to create an empowering "belief bridge."
- Price:
- $59.00 - Base Price
Tags: Belief Systems

- Average Rating:
- Not yet rated
- Topic Areas:
- Invited Addresses | Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) | Belief Systems | Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) | Psychotherapy
- Categories:
- Evolution of Psychotherapy | Evolution of Psychotherapy 1990
- Faculty:
- Albert Ellis, PhD | Salvador Minuchin, MD
- Duration:
- 1 Hour 28 Minutes
- Format:
- Audio Only
- Original Program Date:
- Dec 14, 1990
- Short Description:
- This revision of the original ABCs of RET and cognitive-behavior therapy shows that people's Belief System (B) about their Activating Events (A) of their lives largely contribute to their emotional and behavioral Consequences (C) but that A, B, and C importantly influence and include each other and that all three include interacting cognitive, emotive, and behavioral elements.
- Price:
- $15.00 - Base Price
- Average Rating:
- Not yet rated
- Topic Areas:
- Clinical Demonstrations | Belief Systems | Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) | Interviewing | Psychotherapy
- Categories:
- Evolution of Psychotherapy | Evolution of Psychotherapy 1995
- Faculty:
- Judith Beck, PhD | Aaron Beck, MD
- Course Levels:
- Master Degree or Higher in Health-Related Field
- Duration:
- 58:21
- Format:
- Audio and Video
- Original Program Date:
- Dec 16, 1995
- Short Description:
- Educational Objectives: To describe socratic questioning. To give examples of three negative automatic thoughts. To give examples of three dysfunctional beliefs.
- Price:
- $59.00 - Base Price

- Average Rating:
- Not yet rated
- Topic Areas:
- Workshops | Belief Systems | Psychotherapy
- Categories:
- Evolution of Psychotherapy | Evolution of Psychotherapy 1995
- Faculty:
- Peggy Papp, ACSW
- Duration:
- 2 Hours 38 Minutes
- Format:
- Audio Only
- Original Program Date:
- Dec 14, 1995
- Short Description:
- This workshop focuses on identifying core beliefs and themes in couples and families that are constraining change. Creative use of the interview and interventions, including symbols, metaphors, language, fantasies and rituals to point a direction for change will be demonstrated.
- Price:
- $15.00 - Base Price
Tags: Belief Systems Psychotherapy
- Average Rating:
- Not yet rated
- Topic Areas:
- Clinical Demonstrations | Conflict | Belief Systems
- Categories:
- Erickson Congress | Erickson Congress 2004
- Faculty:
- Robert Dilts, BA
- Course Levels:
- Master Degree or Higher in Health-Related Field
- Duration:
- 1:07:50
- Format:
- Audio and Video
- Original Program Date:
- Dec 03, 2004
- Short Description:
- To describe how to identify and sort beliefs at the root of inner conflict. To describe a method for reframing conflicting beliefs in order to bring about new possibilities for resolution.
- Price:
Sale is $29.00
price reduced from Base Price - $59.00
Tags: Belief Systems Conflict

- Average Rating:
- Not yet rated
- Topic Areas:
- Short Courses | Multicultural | Psychotherapy | Meditation, Spirituality and Yoga | Pain and Healing | Belief Systems
- Categories:
- Erickson Congress | Erickson Congress 2004
- Faculty:
- Jeanne Hernandez
- Duration:
- 1:19:41
- Format:
- Audio Only
- Original Program Date:
- Dec 02, 2004
- Short Description:
- This workshop explores how the Native American belief system contains ingredients to keep the mind and body in harmony and promote well-being. We'll explore adding into therapy sessions totem strengths, shaman journeys, medicine wheels, time-frames, respect and gratitude; the circle of life and symbols as reminders of the "right path."
- Price:
- $15.00 - Base Price

- Average Rating:
- Not yet rated
- Topic Areas:
- Short Courses | Psychology | Psychotherapy | Belief Systems | Brief Therapy | Social Issues | Ericksonian Hypnosis and Therapy Techniques | Multicultural
- Categories:
- Erickson Congress | Erickson Congress 2004
- Faculty:
- Naji Abi-Hashem, PhD
- Duration:
- 1:19:45
- Format:
- Audio Only
- Original Program Date:
- Dec 02, 2004
- Short Description:
- What are the causes of fundamentalism and militant behavior? Can we clearly understand or define terrorism? This presentation will examine the root causes of radicalism and religious militancy and will explore how Milton Erickson would have dealt with these emerging and recent phenomena. We will attempt to address these sensitive, timely matters through open discussion among participants and analyze the psychosocial nature of terrorism and its impact on people.
- Price:
- $15.00 - Base Price

- Average Rating:
- Not yet rated
- Topic Areas:
- Short Courses | Anxiety | Panic | Brief Therapy | Belief Systems | Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)
- Categories:
- Erickson Congress | Erickson Congress 2004
- Faculty:
- Audrey Sussman, MSW | Tish Schuman, MA
- Duration:
- 1:19:45
- Format:
- Audio Only
- Original Program Date:
- Dec 02, 2004
- Short Description:
- In this age where we need to treat people quickly, we have found that adding hypnosis and NLP can be a vital tool in helping clients to make quick and lasting change. In this interactive workshop, participants will learn powerful techniques to create change in themselves and their clients. Participants will learn how to quickly break through limiting beliefs, treat clients who have panic or stress and will learn a self-hypnotic exercise.
- Price:
- $15.00 - Base Price

- Average Rating:
- Not yet rated
- Topic Areas:
- Conversation Hours | Belief Systems
- Categories:
- Erickson Congress | Erickson Congress 2007
- Faculty:
- Robert Dilts, BA
- Duration:
- 1:00:17
- Format:
- Audio Only
- Original Program Date:
- Dec 08, 2007
- Short Description:
- IC07 Conversation Hour 02 - The Influence of Belief Systems - Robert Dilts
- Price:
- $15.00 - Base Price

- Average Rating:
- Not yet rated
- Topic Areas:
- Dialogues | Belief Systems | Meditation, Spirituality and Yoga
- Categories:
- Erickson Congress | Erickson Congress 2007
- Faculty:
- Philip Accaria, PhD | Philip Appel, PhD | Robert Schwarz, PsyD
- Duration:
- 1:04:58
- Format:
- Audio Only
- Original Program Date:
- Dec 08, 2007
- Short Description:
- IC07 Dialogue 14 - Spirituality - Philip Accaria, PhD, Philip Appel, PhD, Robert Schwarz, Psy.D.
- Price:
- $15.00 - Base Price

- Average Rating:
- Not yet rated
- Topic Areas:
- Workshops | Sex and Sexuality | Therapist Development | LGBTQ | Belief Systems
- Categories:
- Erickson Congress | Erickson Congress 2007
- Faculty:
- John Edgette, PsyD
- Duration:
- 2:03:40
- Format:
- Audio Only
- Original Program Date:
- Dec 06, 2007
- Short Description:
- Therapists who perform marital and sex therapy often become “vanilla-ized” by conservative and moralistic values espoused by the psy- chotherapy industry. Through a series of permissive group inductions attendees will reconnect with their erotic self. They will also engage in future foreplay regarding potential erotic selves. By more fully experiencing the erotic self, therapists will be more effective in working with sexually diverse clients who desire consensual BDSM, kink, fetish, and multi-partner experiences.
- Price:
- $15.00 - Base Price

- Average Rating:
- Not yet rated
- Topic Areas:
- Short Courses | Belief Systems | Mind-Body | Multicultural | Psychotherapy
- Categories:
- Erickson Congress | Erickson Congress 2007
- Faculty:
- Jeanne Hernandez
- Duration:
- 1:19:28
- Format:
- Audio Only
- Original Program Date:
- Dec 07, 2007
- Short Description:
- This workshop explores how the Native American belief system contains ingredients to keep the mind and body in harmony and promote well-being. We will explore adding time-frames, respect and gratitude; the circle of life, and symbols as reminders of the "right" path.
- Price:
- $15.00 - Base Price