Demonstration subject Mette is struggling with issues trying to feel an emotional connection to her children. She describes her difficulty with being present for her children, and is looking for guidance. Dr. Zeig exhibits a few simple techniques that help create a powerful therapeutic relationship quickly, through the use of gestures and strategic interview questions. Dr. Zeig is able to utilize this information to create useful suggestions to help Mette with her situation.
Skilled brief therapists just ask miracle questions or scaling questions. They must know how to ask questions in ways that do not undermine client motivation.
Interventions often fail because the client is not yet truly motivated for change. Motivational interviewing elicits intrinsic motivation and is highly effective in conjunction with Solution Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT). Participants will recognize language demonstrating readiness for change and learn how to integrate SFBT interventions to bring about lasting change.
This workshop will present a model for using Solution Focused Brief Therapy in group and individual supervision. The presenters will demonstrate how to develop and use a Solution Focused Brief Therapy case presentation outline as an anchor to teach Solution Focused Brief Therapy and help supervisees use the model in their practice. With Ernest Marshall and Lindasue Marshall.
Milton Erickson’s counsel to “Take what the patient brings” encapsulated the utilization approach that he introduced in hypnosis and psychotherapy. This workshop is designed to enhance participants’ awareness of and ability to use the many facets of utilization that are elicited during clinical interviews. Two demonstrations will be included.
Conceptually simple, MRI Brief Therapy takes seriously the idea that it is not so much problems in living that bring people into therapy, but ineffective efforts being made to resolve those difficulties that inadvertently exacerbate and perpetuate the problem into irresolvable vicious cycles. Effective brief therapy facilitates clients to Interrupt efforts being made to resolve the problem that inadvertently perpetuate the problem, and in doing so the problem often dissipates on its own.
In this workshop, we will explore the patterns of thought involved in how people make important life choices, especially those that carry the potential to really make a critical difference in their emotional wellbeing and quality of life. Instead of asking why and then theorizing why someone makes poor choices, our emphasis will be on how one decides to do this, not that, in especially vulnerable situations, i.e., those that hold great potential for causing psychological distress.
$29.00Base Price - $59.00 Sale is $29.00price reduced from Base Price - $59.00
Since the Solution Focused Approach is a questions based process, it is essential that clinicians learn the art of asking the kinds of questions that lead towards sustainable questions in their clients' lives. This means your learning has to go beyond theory and technique, instead being about language. This workshop will be about this question process. The facilitator will demonstrate 5 different categories of SFBT questions showing how to ask such questions in a way that leads towards the kind of client responses that are likely to lead towards change.