If you have ever felt like it would be nice to have a script or metaphor to facilitate the progress of a client in therapy, this course is for you. Participants will learn how to utilize their own interest, skills and abilities to create interventions tailored to their clients.
BT12 Short Course 15 - Competency Based Brief Therapy for Lasting Change (The Barretta Hypnotic Guide to Changing Beliefs and Getting What You Want Out of Life) - Norma Barretta, PhD, and Phillip Barretta, MA
CBBT focuses on the person’s own resources as the basic component of developing the ability to create lasting changes. We keep insight out of sight and focus on behavioral shifts and updates of beliefs. Unconscious process is a major contributor to lasting solutions and the ability to use hypnotic linguistic patterns of “temporary” (in reference to the present state) and “permanent” (in reference to the solution leading to the desired state) is an essential element of the model. Practice will be provided with demonstrations and casework elicited from the group.
BT12 Short Course 16 – Systemic Family Constellations: A Broken Heart Can Heal…Sometimes in One Beat – Dan Booth Cohen, PhD, MBA
This process identifies and releases transgenerational trauma. This simple process consistently uncovers connections between present day issues and transgenerational traumas. Within a single session, the burden of memory is transformed into an enduring source of strength and healing.
BT12 Short Course 17 – Borrowing From Erickson’s Native American Roots to do Brief Therapy That Changes Lives and Lifestyles – Jeanne Hernandez, PhD
This workshop explores the Native American principles such as harmony, hope and respect as they relate to Ericksonian brief therapy, and introduces exercise for grounding and internal stability that ward off stress, depression and daily conflict and that simplify complex decision-making in life, all of which bring clients to therapy.
BT12 Short Course 18 – The Brief, Lasting and Vigorous Approach of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy – Debbie Joffe Ellis, MDAM
Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) is a most effective, vigorous and compassionate approach. Many clients experience life-enhancing gains after REBT sessions, and the benefits last when the clients continues to practice the principles they are taught in therapy. In this course, attendees will learn the main principles, techniques and methods of REBT, observe a demonstration of the approach, observe its effectiveness as brief therapy, do exercises and have questions answered.
BT12 Short Course 19 – Applying Sensory Body Work and Improvisational Theater for Sexual Abuse Survivors in Brief Therapy – Claudia Weinspach, Dipl, Psych
The utilization of body work and improvisational theater can be employed for different therapeutic purposes. In a therapy group with sexually abused survivors it is a useful tool in the tradition of Ericksonian therapy. Since sensory body work and improvisational theater elements are excellent tools to absorb the patients’ attention in an equally structured and playful way, they become actors and creators of their new body experience. This is an experiential workshop.
BT12 Short Course 20 – Transforming Patient’s Vulnerability into Identity Strength – Consuelo Casula
Patients bring to therapy unhappiness caused by personal, social, professional, and moral problems, and therapists need to face them with an approach based on utilizing the hidden strengths in each component of the person. This workshop will present the Identity Strength Focused approach, with its method, techniques and metaphors to empower patients in healing their wounds, following spiritual values, finding the strength coming from mind-body coherence, empathy with others, and engagement in their job.
BT12 Short Course 22 – Creating Lasting Solutions in Hypnosis – Robert McNeilly, MBBS
We all want solution and we want them to last. Experience and learning are predictably useful ways of solutions to become permanent. Hypnosis is a wonderful way of generating experiences and after Erickson, of facilitating learning. In this practical workshop we will explore tailoring our hypnotic conversation to fit the unique individuality of each client, they are naturally more willing to connect with more of their innate resources, and learn in their own unique way.
BT12 Short Course 24 – The Interplay-Mind, Brain, Body, Gene: How This Becomes Behavior, Affect and Mental State – Richard Hill, MA, MEd
The Interplay is a word for the relationship between the broad complex of processes that collectively create our clients. Our inner world expresses itself in more than just behavior and affect. This presentation will show how this occurs and how body states and even gene expression are explicitly expressed through “9 voices” from our implicit self. A brief therapeutic process will be described that dovetails into whatever therapy you practice to positively affect the Interplay.
BT12 Short Course 25 – How to Thoroughly Co-Create Brief Therapy Efficiently and Effectively – Virgil Hayes, DO, MSW
Psychotherapy is a blend of art and science. However, the art of using a conceptual framework to co-create solutions is overlooked in favor of medical paradigms. This short course focuses on non-medical understandings of anxiety and depression creation to enable the clinician to be more effective in co-creating solutions. Case discussion and lecture for all skill levels.