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IC07 Short Course 08 - Brief Ericksonian Solutions to Miscommunications - John Lentz, DMin

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Topic Areas:
Short Courses |  Brief Therapy |  Ericksonian Hypnosis and Therapy Techniques |  Communication
Erickson Congress |  Erickson Congress 2007
John Lentz, D. Min.
Audio Only
Original Program Date:
Dec 07, 2007
Never Expires.



This presentation offers a completely new way of thinking about miscommunication, along with simple Ericksonian solutions. This perspective is based on Ericksonian approaches and from the author's observations of miscommunications. Observable trends of problem communication that results in mild trances will be illustrated along with ways to overcome and repair common miscommunication. Using an experiential and didactic approach, this workshop will provide participants with useable tools they can also teach their clients.

Educational Objectives:

  1. To list three tolls for fixing miscommunication.
  2. To list two ways spontaneous trance can help clients.

*Sessions may be edited for content and to preserve confidentiality*



John Lentz, D. Min.'s Profile

John Lentz, D. Min. Related Seminars and Products

John D. Lentz D. Min is the Founder and Director of the Ericksonian Institute of Jeffersonville, Indiana where he teaches Hypnosis and practices marriage and family therapy. He is a member and supervisor of AAMFT AAPC and ASCH. He graduated from and later taught at the Louisville Presbyterian Seminary. Author of six books including Effective Handling of Manipulative Persons and Trans-Altering Epiphanies he pastors Radcliff Presbyterian Church and is the retired Chief Chaplain of the women's prison in Kentucky. Dr. Lentz has spoken nationally and internationally on a variety of subjects involving manipulation, hypnosis, double binds, anxiety, and sexual abuse. He currently has two more books being edited. The first is about how to reclaim and maintain that loving feeling, and the second is about perpetrators, victims and bystanders. It offers unique treatment methods, and insights. Dr. Lentz also has authored 15 hypnotic CD's that assist people overcoming anger, shame, sleep disorders, loneliness, and a variety of other topics.
