- Average Rating:
- Not yet rated
- Topic Areas:
- Master Classes | Ericksonian Psychotherapy | Psychotherapy | Brief Therapy | Hypnotherapy | Self-Relations | Utilization
- Categories:
- Erickson Congress | Erickson Congress 2019
- Faculty:
- Bill O'Hanlon, MS | Jeffrey Zeig, PhD
- Course Levels:
- Master Degree or Higher in Health-Related Field
- Duration:
- 4 Hours 49 Minutes
- Format:
- Audio and Video
- Original Program Date:
- Dec 16, 2019
- Short Description:
- Ericksonian hypnotherapy and the Self-Relations approach are experiential methods of change. In combination they can be synergistic. Psychotherapy is best when clients have a first-hand experience of an alive therapeutic process. Such dynamic empowering experiences pave the way for dynamic understandings. Bill O’Hanlon and Jeffrey Zeig will engage with each other and the participants to examine commonalities and differences in their work.
- Price:
- $59.00 - Base Price
IC19 Clinical Demonstration 03 - Guided Imagery and Brief Therapy Using Hypnosis - Rubin Battino, MS
- Average Rating:
- Not yet rated
- Topic Areas:
- Clinical Demonstrations | Brief Therapy | Hypnosis | Meditation, Spirituality and Yoga
- Categories:
- Erickson Congress | Erickson Congress 2019
- Faculty:
- Rubin Battino, MS
- Course Levels:
- Master Degree or Higher in Health-Related Field
- Duration:
- 57 Minutes
- Format:
- Audio and Video
- Original Program Date:
- Dec 15, 2019
- Short Description:
- The use of guided imagery using hypnosis will be demonstrated with a volunteer as a method of doing brief therapy. The volunteer may present a physical or behavioral difficulty for this demonstration. Also demonstrated will be the use of physical anchors.
- Price:
Sale is $29.00
price reduced from Base Price - $59.00

- Average Rating:
- Not yet rated
- Topic Areas:
- Workshops | Love | Brief Therapy | Motivation | Solution Oriented Approach | Therapist Development
- Categories:
- Erickson Congress | Erickson Congress 2019
- Faculty:
- Michael Munion, MA, LPC
- Duration:
- 1 Hour 31 Minutes
- Format:
- Audio Only
- Original Program Date:
- Dec 15, 2019
- Short Description:
- This workshop provides a framework for assessing clients along two important dimensions that impact therapeutic outcome: motivation and sense of agency (one’s perception of their ability to create change in their own lives). This assessment fosters interventions that enhance the capacity for strategic interventions to be truly brief and solution focused. The participant in this workshop will have the opportunity to observe and practice this approach.
- Price:
- $15.00 - Base Price

- Average Rating:
- Not yet rated
- Topic Areas:
- Conversation Hours | Genomics | Brief Therapy | Psychotherapy | Neuroscience
- Categories:
- Erickson Congress | Erickson Congress 2019
- Faculty:
- Kathryn Rossi, PhD
- Duration:
- 58 Minutes
- Format:
- Audio Only
- Original Program Date:
- Dec 14, 2019
- Short Description:
- Great strides have been made in PsychoSocial Genomics as well as the placebo effects in psychotherapy. We will share our views of how these new state-of-the-arts sciences can gently be integrated into psychotherapy sessions and improve outcomes.
- Price:
- $15.00 - Base Price

- Average Rating:
- Not yet rated
- Topic Areas:
- Conversation Hours | Psychotherapy | Brief Therapy | Strategic Therapy | Utilization
- Categories:
- Erickson Congress | Erickson Congress 2019
- Faculty:
- Eric Greenleaf, PhD
- Duration:
- 59 Minutes
- Format:
- Audio Only
- Original Program Date:
- Dec 13, 2019
- Short Description:
- Participants will discuss the place of emotional expression in the conduct of modern brief, strategic and hypnotic psychotherapies.
- Price:
- $15.00 - Base Price

- Average Rating:
- Not yet rated
- Topic Areas:
- Workshops | Energy Psychology | Ericksonian Hypnosis and Therapy Techniques | Hypnosis | Trauma | Psychology | Brief Therapy | Mind-Body
- Categories:
- Erickson Congress | Erickson Congress 2019
- Faculty:
- Robert Schwarz, PsyD
- Duration:
- 1 Hour 54 Minutes
- Format:
- Audio Only
- Original Program Date:
- Dec 13, 2019
- Short Description:
- Energy Psychology (EP) techniques are easy to learn, safe/non-abreactive, evidenced-based, brief approaches, used for everything from bullying to rape to PTSD in veterans to survivors of genocide in Rwanda. Ericksonian Hypnosis and Energy Psychology are brief mind body approaches for treating trauma that both utilize interpersonal neurobiology and memory reconsolidation. We will rapidly review the research and theory supporting them. Then we will focus on teaching you the basics of using emotional freedom techniques (EFT-tapping) within a trauma informed framework and integrating it with Ericksonian principles.
- Price:
- $15.00 - Base Price

- Average Rating:
- Not yet rated
- Topic Areas:
- Workshops | Hypnosis | Psychotherapy | Brief Therapy | Meditation, Spirituality and Yoga
- Categories:
- Erickson Congress | Erickson Congress 2019
- Faculty:
- Rubin Battino, MS
- Duration:
- 1 Hour 57 Minutes
- Format:
- Audio Only
- Original Program Date:
- Dec 13, 2019
- Short Description:
- Guided imagery (GI) was used initially to help people with life-challenging diseases, yet it is also highly applicable to psychotherapy. A brief history of GI will be presented. The presenter has used it successfully in brief therapy for almost all of his recent clients. Hypnosis is an essential part of GI sessions. The requirements for using GI will be described. It is necessary to tailor the session to the client's individual background and needs, and this will be discussed. The attendees will have the opportunity experience this via a group guided imagery session. And, the session will end with a GI healing meditation.
- Price:
- $15.00 - Base Price

- Average Rating:
- Not yet rated
- Topic Areas:
- Workshops | Brief Therapy | Hypnosis | Experiential Therapy
- Categories:
- Erickson Congress | Erickson Congress 2019
- Faculty:
- Stephen Lankton, MSW
- Duration:
- 2 Hours 3 Minutes
- Format:
- Audio Only
- Original Program Date:
- Dec 13, 2019
- Short Description:
- This workshop will teach six positive techniques that actually make Ericksonian experiential hypnosis successful. Dysfunctional families fail to teach children how to use their experiences to succeed. Consequently, clients learn dozens of self-defeating habits and later present in our offices as adults with depression, anxiety, phobias, etc. The desire to change, insight, and motivation do not counteract those habits - nor does hypnotic suggestion create such change. Experience is the key to cure.
- Price:
- $15.00 - Base Price

- Average Rating:
- Not yet rated
- Topic Areas:
- Short Courses | Experiential Therapy | Brief Therapy | Resources
- Categories:
- Erickson Congress | Erickson Congress 2019
- Faculty:
- Michael Reiter, PhD
- Duration:
- 1 Hour 3 Minutes
- Format:
- Audio Only
- Original Program Date:
- Dec 12, 2019
- Short Description:
- This presentation will explore the utilization of brief experiential activities in helping clients to access and enhance their naturally occurring resources. Experiential activities help to increase client engagement and participation in therapy as well as connect them to aspect of self that are resourceful. In this session, participants will learn the philosophy behind utilizing in-session experiential activities and how these relate to bringing forth existing client resources.
- Price:
- $15.00 - Base Price

- Average Rating:
- Not yet rated
- Topic Areas:
- Workshops | Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) | Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) | Brief Therapy
- Categories:
- Erickson Congress | Erickson Congress 2019
- Faculty:
- Reid Wilson, PhD
- Duration:
- 1 Hour 58 Minutes
- Format:
- Audio Only
- Original Program Date:
- Dec 12, 2019
- Short Description:
- You will learn the core strategies of a cognitive therapy intervention that radically and swiftly shifts the client’s point of view regarding both their relationship with OCD and the tactics of change. The principles will be illustrated by brief video clips of a 45-minute initial treatment session from the author's live demonstration at the 2018 Brief Therapy Conference. These will include establishing rapport, developing placebo, generating an outcome picture, dismantling their dysfunctional logical system, and persuading them to adopt the paradoxical frame of reference.
- Price:
- $15.00 - Base Price

- Average Rating:
- Not yet rated
- Topic Areas:
- Short Courses | Hypnosis | Brief Therapy | Single-Session
- Categories:
- Erickson Congress | Erickson Congress 2019
- Faculty:
- Bob Bertolino, PhD
- Duration:
- 1 Hour 24 Minutes
- Format:
- Audio Only
- Original Program Date:
- Dec 12, 2019
- Short Description:
- There are many ways in which hypnosis can be used to assist clients in accessing and utilizing their internal resources in the service of change. One approach to hypnosis is to create “singles,” brief recordings of three to eight minutes in length, to provide clients with “fingertip resources” that can be accessed quickly and easily. Much like a song on the radio or track played on a phone, brief hypnotic experiences are invitations to clients for rapid absorption, which can facilitate shifts in emotion, cognition, and physiology.
- Price:
- $15.00 - Base Price

- Average Rating:
- Not yet rated
- Topic Areas:
- Short Courses | Brief Therapy | Pain and Healing
- Categories:
- Erickson Congress | Erickson Congress 2019
- Faculty:
- Timothy Hallbom, MSW | Kris Hallbom, BA
- Duration:
- 1 Hour 23 Minutes
- Format:
- Audio Only
- Original Program Date:
- Dec 12, 2019
- Short Description:
- Created by Tim and Kris Hallbom, Dynamic Spin Release is a powerful set of processes that allows users to quickly release their negative thought patterns and emotions, limiting beliefs and physical pain – in just one brief session. Dynamic Spin Release (DSR) was created using ideas delineated from the world famous psychiatrists, Carl Jung and Milton Erickson – and draws heavily from the psychology of metaphors, NLP, Ericksonian Hypnosis and creative visualization...
- Price:
- $15.00 - Base Price
Credit available - Click Here for more information
- Average Rating:
- Not yet rated
- Topic Areas:
- Keynotes | Anxiety | Brief Therapy | Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) | Depression
- Categories:
- Brief Therapy Conference | Brief Therapy Conference 2018 | Online Continuing Education
- Faculty:
- David Burns, MD
- Course Levels:
- Master Degree or Higher in Health-Related Field
- Duration:
- 1:00:36
- Format:
- Audio and Video
- Original Program Date:
- Dec 09, 2018
- Short Description:
- Dr. Burns will describe powerful new TEAM-CBT techniques that can greatly accelerate recovery from depression and anxiety disorders. He will bring these tools with life with dramatic video excerpts from a therapy session with a mental health professional who had been struggling with years of intense anxiety, depression, and guilt.
- Price:
Sale is $29.00
price reduced from Base Price - $59.00
Credit available - Click Here for more information
- Average Rating:
- Not yet rated
- Topic Areas:
- Speeches | Mindfulness | Narcissism | Brief Therapy | Self-Esteem
- Categories:
- Brief Therapy Conference | Brief Therapy Conference 2018 | Online Continuing Education
- Faculty:
- Ronald Siegel, PsyD
- Course Levels:
- Master Degree or Higher in Health-Related Field
- Duration:
- 1:00:31
- Format:
- Audio and Video
- Original Program Date:
- Dec 09, 2018
- Short Description:
- What if our therapeutic goals of improving self-esteem, developing a stable and coherent sense of self, and expressing our authentic feelings all turn out to be misguided? What if they inadvertently feed the cultural enthusiasm for celebrity and success that makes so many of us miserable? This presentation will examine how mindfulness practices can be harnessed in psychotherapy to reexamine our conventional sense of self, leading both us and our clients toward greater well-being, wisdom, and compassion.
- Price:
Sale is $29.00
price reduced from Base Price - $59.00

- Average Rating:
- Not yet rated
- Topic Areas:
- Speeches | Marriage | Sex and Sexuality | Brief Therapy | Couples Therapy
- Categories:
- Brief Therapy Conference | Brief Therapy Conference 2018
- Faculty:
- Michele Weiner-Davis, LCSW
- Duration:
- 38:54
- Format:
- Audio Only
- Original Program Date:
- Dec 09, 2018
- Short Description:
- One out of every three couples struggles with mismatched sexual desire---a formula for marital disaster. When one spouse is sexually dissatisfied and the other is oblivious, unconcerned, or uncaring, sex isn't the only casualty; a sense of emotional connection can also disappear. Helping couples bridge the desire gap can be challenging when one spouse appears unmotivated or lacks empathy. It can also be challenging when therapists feel uncomfortable discussing sex. This speech presents a collaborative model for partners to work together to turn around the decline in their sex lives and reignite their emotional connection.
- Price:
- $15.00 - Base Price

- Average Rating:
- Not yet rated
- Topic Areas:
- Speeches | Multicultural | Strategic Therapy | Brief Therapy | Strengths-Based
- Categories:
- Brief Therapy Conference | Brief Therapy Conference 2018
- Faculty:
- Terry Soo-Hoo, PhD
- Duration:
- 1:42:11
- Format:
- Audio Only
- Original Program Date:
- Dec 09, 2018
- Short Description:
- The Culturally Sensitive Strength-Based Strategic Therapy method was developed to integrate various principles founded by the Mental Research Institute (MRI) and Jay Haley’s Strategic Therapy approach as well as other methods to address these issues. In this workshop, guidelines will be presented for learning the principles of Culturally Sensitive Strength-Based Strategic Therapy. There will be an emphasis on effective strategies in working within the cultural context of the client and how this is critical to successful therapy. A structure will be presented for organizing the specific tasks and skills involved in different aspects of the method including activating the client’s strengths. Case examples, some on video recordings, will illustrate many innovative brief therapy techniques.
- Price:
- $15.00 - Base Price
Credit available - Click Here for more information
- Average Rating:
- Not yet rated
- Topic Areas:
- Speeches | Trauma | Brief Therapy | Future Oriented | Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
- Categories:
- Brief Therapy Conference | Brief Therapy Conference 2018 | Online Continuing Education
- Faculty:
- Bill O'Hanlon, MS
- Course Levels:
- Master Degree or Higher in Health-Related Field
- Duration:
- 57:49
- Format:
- Audio and Video
- Original Program Date:
- Dec 09, 2018
- Short Description:
- People with post-traumatic stress often suffer for years and develop a variety of troubling and often crippling problems. This talk will detail a philosophy and methods of working briefly and effectively with people who have been traumatized. An array of new methods have shown that previous conceptions and methods of working with trauma are unnecessarily long-term and re-traumatizing. These new approaches, rather than being based on the past and deterministic models, are oriented towards the present and future and a sense of possibilities. You will leave equipped with a different understanding of how to treat trauma and four specific methods you can use right away in your work.
- Price:
Sale is $29.00
price reduced from Base Price - $59.00
Credit available - Click Here for more information
- Average Rating:
- Not yet rated
- Topic Areas:
- Speeches | Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) | Brief Therapy
- Categories:
- Brief Therapy Conference | Brief Therapy Conference 2018 | Online Continuing Education
- Faculty:
- Reid Wilson, PhD
- Course Levels:
- Master Degree or Higher in Health-Related Field
- Duration:
- 1:01:32
- Format:
- Audio and Video
- Original Program Date:
- Dec 09, 2018
- Short Description:
- The rigid beliefs and bizarre behavior of clients with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) can seem intimidating to any therapist. But if you look under the hood, the driving force of this dominant disorder is always the same: something could go terribly wrong and it will be your fault. Treatment can be difficult, but it is not complex. Participants will learn the core strategies of treatment and the primary tactics to confront client resistance.
- Price:
Sale is $29.00
price reduced from Base Price - $59.00
Credit available - Click Here for more information
- Average Rating:
- Not yet rated
- Topic Areas:
- Speeches | Belief Systems | Brief Therapy | Neuroscience
- Categories:
- Brief Therapy Conference | Brief Therapy Conference 2018 | Online Continuing Education
- Faculty:
- Robert Dilts, BA
- Course Levels:
- Master Degree or Higher in Health-Related Field
- Duration:
- 1:01:49
- Format:
- Audio and Video
- Original Program Date:
- Dec 09, 2018
- Short Description:
- ]Managing the process of change involves working with a number of levels of key factors. These factors include our environment (where and when we act), our behavior (what we do), our capabilities (how we think and plan), our values and beliefs (why we think and act the way we do), and our identity (who we perceive ourselves to be) and our sense of purpose (for whom and for what we dedicate ourselves). The presentation will explore the relevance of these different levels of influence to brief therapy and how they may be identified and addressed to help clients reach their therapeutic goals.
- Price:
Sale is $29.00
price reduced from Base Price - $59.00
Credit available - Click Here for more information
- Average Rating:
- Not yet rated
- Topic Areas:
- Speeches | Brief Therapy | Neuroscience | Psychotherapy | Therapist Development
- Categories:
- Brief Therapy Conference | Brief Therapy Conference 2018 | Online Continuing Education
- Faculty:
- Michael Yapko, PhD
- Course Levels:
- Master Degree or Higher in Health-Related Field
- Duration:
- 1:02:31
- Format:
- Audio and Video
- Original Program Date:
- Dec 09, 2018
- Short Description:
- Conventional wisdom can guide us but also confuse us when seemingly good pieces of advice contradict each other (e.g., “Look before you leap…BUT he who hesitates is lost”). How can someone know when to do this rather than do that? How can we help clients make better decisions in order to improve the quality of their lives? The fields of cognitive neuroscience and phenomenology have offered us many insights into decision-making processes and some of these will be discussed as they apply to the context of active, short-term psychotherapies.
- Price:
Sale is $29.00
price reduced from Base Price - $59.00
Credit available - Click Here for more information
- Average Rating:
- Not yet rated
- Topic Areas:
- Speeches | Children and Adolescent Therapy | Art and Creativity | Brief Therapy | Family Therapy | Anxiety | Depression | Goals of the Therapist
- Categories:
- Brief Therapy Conference | Brief Therapy Conference 2018 | Online Continuing Education
- Faculty:
- Lynn Lyons, LICSW
- Course Levels:
- Master Degree or Higher in Health-Related Field
- Duration:
- 1:02:45
- Format:
- Audio and Video
- Original Program Date:
- Dec 09, 2018
- Short Description:
- We don't often think of creativity and problem solving as equal partners in therapy with children. But when struggling families arrive at your office, it is the immediate blending of these two components that allows you and the family to move quickly from overwhelmed to engaged, confused to targeted. Based on 29 years of successes and failures, this speech will offer ideas to immediately connect with families, help them untangle the tired messiness they often arrive with, and create active interventions that build momentum, create new patterns, and offer hope.
- Price:
Sale is $29.00
price reduced from Base Price - $59.00

- Average Rating:
- Not yet rated
- Topic Areas:
- Speeches | Brief Therapy | Trauma | Anxiety | Hypnosis | Pain and Healing | Dissociation
- Categories:
- Brief Therapy Conference | Brief Therapy Conference 2018
- Faculty:
- Camillo Loriedo, MD, PhD
- Duration:
- 1:00:42
- Format:
- Audio Only
- Original Program Date:
- Dec 09, 2018
- Short Description:
- Dissociative hypnotic intervention demonstrated to be very useful in treating pain, anxiety disorders and many other conditions. But hypnosis can as well reactivate the natural mind processes, contributing to reconnect different parts (distinct modes of information processing) into a functional and unified self, particularly after traumatic experiences. Rapport, the special relationship that produces intense interpersonal links and connections, as well as profound disconnections with non-hypnotic reality, can be considered a crucial factor of brief therapeutic approach to dissociative conditions and trauma. How to use rapport as well as other new specific therapeutic interventions to reestablish the natural integrative links in a dissociative mind and relationship will be outlined in this presentation.
- Price:
- $15.00 - Base Price

- Average Rating:
- Not yet rated
- Topic Areas:
- Speeches | Brief Therapy | Psychotherapy | Solution Oriented Approach
- Categories:
- Brief Therapy Conference | Brief Therapy Conference 2018
- Faculty:
- Elliott Connie, MA, LPC
- Duration:
- 59:30
- Format:
- Audio Only
- Original Program Date:
- Dec 09, 2018
- Short Description:
- The Solution Focused Approach is a widely accepted way of conducted psychotherapy sessions. Over the past 40 years this approach has come to be known for its brevity, pragmatism and positive stance. However, many inaccurate myths about this approach exist which impact many clinicians' ability to understand, and subsequently use, this approach. There is one misunderstanding that stands above all others, and this workshop will directly address this common misunderstanding while showing to not succumb to this idea and how to follow the true essence of Solution Focused work.
- Price:
- $15.00 - Base Price
Credit available - Click Here for more information
- Average Rating:
- Not yet rated
- Topic Areas:
- Speeches | Psychotherapy | Art and Creativity | Brief Therapy | Resources
- Categories:
- Brief Therapy Conference | Brief Therapy Conference 2018 | Online Continuing Education
- Faculty:
- Stephen Gilligan, PhD
- Course Levels:
- Master Degree or Higher in Health-Related Field
- Duration:
- 1:01:12
- Format:
- Audio and Video
- Original Program Date:
- Dec 09, 2018
- Short Description:
- Therapy is successful when clients are able to experience significantly changed realities. While the identification and transformation of symptoms is important in this regard, the activation of the client's creative capacity to make positive changes is even more important. This paper will explore how the 6-step model of Generative Psychotherapy provides a disciplined yet flexible process for helping clients claim and use their agency for creative change.
- Price:
Sale is $29.00
price reduced from Base Price - $59.00

- Average Rating:
- Not yet rated
- Topic Areas:
- Speeches | Brief Therapy | Couples Therapy | Therapist Development | Relationships
- Categories:
- Brief Therapy Conference | Brief Therapy Conference 2018
- Faculty:
- Stan Tatkin, PsyD, MFT
- Duration:
- 1:11:45
- Format:
- Audio Only
- Original Program Date:
- Dec 09, 2018
- Short Description:
- This one-hour speech focuses on what all couple therapists should at least consider: social justice and fairness agreements between partners. The human primate is warlike, self-centered, mostly automatic, and given to flights of fancy, moodiness, and other unpredictable feelings, thoughts, and behaviors. Thus, the social science predicate of civilization dictates that, to hold human beings accountable, there must be agreements between individuals that protect them from one another. Shared principles of governance points to the matter of partners governing each other and everyone else as the couple is the smallest unit of a society. Principles are hierarchically more personal and self-governing than rules or laws. In other words, principles speak to character.
- Price:
- $15.00 - Base Price