Competent supervision is necessary for producing skilled clinicians, for resolving difficult situations in the supervisory relationship, and in helping clinicians resolve difficult situations with clients. Several key vignettes will be addressed that involve scenarios that challenge the supervisor-supervisee relationship, create opportunities for building supervisee's clinical competence, and/or involve stuck cases that need to be resolved.
Ericksonian psychotherapy emphasizes the utilization of people's resources. When working with children of divorced parents, I focus on strengths and keep in mind the Ericksonian interventions should be brief because children may get tired of being in therapy for a long time. In a case with two children, techniques including the use of toys will be discussed. How to make several brief interventions quickly while utilizing "toy co-therapists" in home assignments, and the combination of conversational trance with tasks will be emphasized. There also will be references to the importance of working with the family system.
This presentation addresses the issues of teen anger and "acting out" from a brief therapy approach to treatment. Interventions psychotherapists can integrate into family therapy enhancing parent capabilities and encouraging improved relationships with their teens will be presented. An experiential exercise will be provided helping attendees integrate brief, goal-oriented approaches as well as hypnotic and strategic interventions.
Subject, patient, client, therapist, teacher, trainer, supervisor, supervised; all of us are shaped from an essence, the stuff we are made of, the hero within. This workshop will offer ways to utilize our hidden heroes in our therapeutic goals for inner change, and help the patient build from the hero within him/herself.
This course will use theory, clinical examples, techniques, PowerPoint illustrations, quotations and experiential metaphorical fantasy to display how compassionately playful client-therapist interactions can serve to encourage transcendence from suffering, solution expansion and professionally appropriate intimacy while also discouraging states of maladaptive isolation.
This short course will emphasize a four session smoking cessation model that will provide attendees with an Ericksonian template to be utilized in the treatment of smoking, weight loss, nail-biting, obsessive thinking, compulsive behavior and addictive behavior. An Ericksonian template for habit control can be formulated to the unique symptomology and strengths of each individual client. There will be a detailed discussion of the four session smoking cessation model with case studies, experiential exercises and a live demonstration.
The suggestibility of children provides an opportunity to build the strengths for lifelong mental resiliency. We will explore clinical practices based on research from brief strategic approaches, positive psychology, and the study of resiliency which suggest that long term mental health can be promoted through specific therapeutic approaches in treating children.
Interventions often fail because the client is not yet truly motivated for change. Motivational interviewing elicits intrinsic motivation and is highly effective in conjunction with Solution Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT). Participants will recognize language demonstrating readiness for change and learn how to integrate SFBT interventions to bring about lasting change.
Often, "oh, no!" is the first response to loss, be it a wallet, loved one, or dream. Something is gone. What happens next? One could get mired in cultural expectations that there must be denial, anger, depression - or, one can flow through the natural grief sequence to understanding, having appropriate emotions and being proactive. Learn how to get back into balance processing grief with nature's intention - having loving and healthy connections.
Disturbed sleep painfully contributes to depression. Paradoxically, client's symptoms become pathways that disarms suffering, yielding to the solace of sound sleep. Clients then pace healing to the rhythms of restorative sleep, without excess alarm. Ericksonian-based trance language directly addressing disturbed sleep first, and indirectly addressing depression will be offered.