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BT12 Short Course 55 – Keeping Nature in Ericksonian Therapy – Sheldon Cohen, MD

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Topic Areas:
Short Courses
Brief Therapy Conference |  Brief Therapy Conference 2012
Sheldon Cohen, MD
Audio Only
Original Program Date:
Dec 09, 2012
Never Expires.



The theme of nature/environment appears repeated in Erickson’s lectures, writings, and recollections of those who know him. This presentation will enhance our appreciation of the importance of nature in therapy and enhance our ability to impart the concept to patients. The author will share the techniques, conscious and unconscious, that he uses with patients. Attendees will do likewise.

Educational Objectives:

  1. List three things about the therapist’s office that impart the importance of bringing nature into therapy.
  2. List four things you can do in your practice to help patients be more cognizant of the environment.

*Sessions may be edited for content and to preserve confidentiality*



Sheldon Cohen, MD's Profile

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Sheldon Cohen, MD, is a psychiatrist in private practice in Atlanta, GA. He is past professor at Tulane and Emory. His research efforts have centered on the biochemistry of the brain. He is a past editor of the American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis, as well as past vice president of ASCH. He received the Presidential Merit Award ASCH, the Distinguished Service Award MAA, and recognized as Man of the Year by GPA.
