Much of the effectiveness of hypnotic communication comes from nonverbal processes. This workshop will guide participants in how to develop, sustain and use these nonverbal connections for both induction and utilization purposes. Special attention will be given to using hypnosis as a poetic language that touches, evokes and engages the felt sense of a person's meaning making process.
IC01 Short Course 04 - The Neurobiology of Pain Processing and Hypnosis - Jeffrey R. Feldman, PhD
This short course will review the neurobiology of pain processing and hypnotic suggestion.
Neuroimaging studies will be emphasized, including landmark studies by Rainville and his
associates ( 1997, 1999) which identified distinct areas of the brain differentially activated
depending on the nature of hypnotic suggestions. An hypnotic technique which utilizes the
distinction between the sensory and affective dimensions of pain will be demonstrated.
Implications for current practice and future research will be discussed.
IC01 Short Course 07 - The Use of Ericksonian Hypnosis in the Treatment of Borderlines and Addictions - IIana H. Oren, PhD
Borderline personality is an underlying character structure, marked by a fragmented sense of
identity and maladaptive patterns of perceiving, behaving and relating to others. The Borderline is
stuck in "yes, but!" or "I hate you! Don't leave me!" stance. In order to get the habitually
oppositional patient to respond, the therapist needs to structure the therapeutic messages in a
way that they are not easily recognized on a conscious level. Ericksonian hypnosis paves the
This short course addresses the advantages of specific metaphorical techniques in hypnosis and psychotherapy for treating anger, depression, chronic pain, and for boosting self-efficacy. A novel group anger treatment will be presented that combines mindfulness principles within Erickson-type teaching tales. Indirect techniques will be discussed and demonstrated.
IC01 Short Course 27 - Curiosity and lgnorance.'A Natural and 'Failsafe" Method ofInducing and Deepening Hypnosis - David Johnson, Grad. Dipl. Appl. Psych.
This workshop will introduce the concept of "curiosity and ignorance" as a means by which
therapy can be performed in a wide variety of contexts, including:rapport building, shifting the
mood of the client, connecting the client with personal resources, highlighting and embedding
change, the treatment of pain, and as a seamless and "failsafe" hypnotic induction and
deepening technique. Demonstration and experiential exercises will be used.
IC01 Workshop 03 - The Neglected Self in Hypnotic Psychotherapy - Stephen Gilligan, PhD
For hypnosis to have therapeutic value, it must be able to activate and work with disconnected
parts of a person's self-identity. We will examine different ways to access and stay connected to
these "neglected selves" during hypnotic work.
IC01 Workshop 18 - Hypnosis and Exploring Options - Michael Yapko, PhD
When clients feel"stuck," it may be because they are unaware of alternatives. Or they may be aware of
them, but simply don't like them! In this workshop, we will explore ways hypnosis can help lead people
to develop new, satisfactory resolutions, or how hypnosis can better facilitate an acceptance of
undesirable but necessary courses of action.