Working online has led some therapists to feel more cautious about working with sexual issues. The panelists will describe their unique approaches and concomitant pitfalls. Benefits and liabilities will be addressed.
We live in the most polarized era since the 1850s. The presenter will describe the connection between escalating couple conflict and escalating political polarization. He will propose ways that therapists can work with politically divided couples, and he will describe his work since 2016 on “red/blue” polarization in the U.S. via the national nonprofit Braver Angels. He will argue that couples therapists have much to offer a nation in trouble.
Gender roles are in flux and evolve quickly. The panel will review issues of masculinity and indicate how therapists can respond constructively to men.
As with any approach, couple therapy must have a clear vision toward which the couple can navigate. We may call this the therapeutic goal or therapeutic narrative. The clarity by which the therapist holds this vision and expects the couple to meet this goal largely determines therapeutic success. One such goal is the partner co-creation of a relationship ethos or ethical system based on shared purpose, shared vision, and shared principles of governance. A principle-based relationship, while not based on feelings, may prove vital to the prevention of common relational threat while essential to the fostering of mutually earned love, respect, and admiration.
Couples therapist Ellyn Bader and Mindsight Institute CEO Caroline Welch will explore how mindfulness can provide an accessible, useful tool in couples therapy, not only for the therapist, the two individuals, and their relationship, but also for the therapeutic process. Mindfulness can be practically applied through Caroline Welch’s 3Ps approach of Purpose, Pivoting, and Pacing to cultivate more resilience which is important to cultivate in couples therapy.
A streaming option in place of the Couples Conference 2020 4 hour event. This recording provides a comprehensive cross-section of a variety of approaches to couples therapy, including specific therapeutic models, discussions on sexual desire discrepancies, working with resistance in the therapy room and more.
This advanced workshop is designed to demonstrate core concepts of The Developmental Model of Couples Therapy. Participants will Increase their skills in the Initiator-Inquirer process and in effective confrontation and incisive resolution of intrapsychic conflicts. Join Ellyn Bader and learn how to make developmental assists, strengthen your confrontation skills and promote couples development.
$29.00Base Price - $59.00 Sale is $29.00price reduced from Base Price - $59.00
This workshop will outline the EFT Way through conflict and disconnection, pain and mayhem that is a couple at war with each other. Specific interventions such as Catch the Bullet will be outlined. In the second half of the workshop, the process of attachment injury healing will also be addressed.
$29.00Base Price - $59.00 Sale is $29.00price reduced from Base Price - $59.00
This workshop will take the first two introductory seminars and push it working with personality disordered partners. We will move from an attachment model to that of an American object relations/ego psychology to understand the structural and functional differences between insecure attachment and personality disordered individuals and how to work with them in couple therapy.
We currently live in a time of great emotional stress around matters of fairness, justice, ethics, and morality. As couple therapists, we are working with the smallest unit of a society, the two-person system that is the primary attachment partnership. Therapists should have a strong understanding of their own moral and ethical compass when guiding partner behavior that occurs inside and outside of therapy.
$29.00Base Price - $59.00 Sale is $29.00price reduced from Base Price - $59.00