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Audio Stream

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Topic Areas:
Workshops |  Mindfulness |  Intimacy |  Couples Therapy |  Relationships
Brief Therapy Conference |  Brief Therapy Conference 2014
Ronald Siegel, PsyD
Audio Only
Original Program Date:
Dec 12, 2014
Short Description:
Psychotherapists and clinical researchers are finding that ancient Eastern meditative techniques, originally solitary practices refined by hermits, monks, and nuns, are proving to be remarkably useful for facing interpersonal challenges. This workshop will explore how mindfulness meditation can help our clients and us develop the affect tolerance and capacity to be with and understand others that are critical for successful intimate relationships. You’ll leave knowing the three core elements of mindfulness practice, how to use mindfulness to react less personally to the inevitable ups and downs of interpersonal life, and how interpersonal mindfulness techniques can enhance therapeutic, romantic, and parent-child interaction.
$15.00 - Base Price

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Audio Stream

Average Rating:
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Topic Areas:
Workshops |  Storytelling |  Brief Therapy
Brief Therapy Conference |  Brief Therapy Conference 2014
Bill O'Hanlon, MS
Audio Only
Original Program Date:
Dec 12, 2014
Short Description:
Stories have the ability to engage people emotionally and to move them to change, but telling the right story and a compelling story, is an art and a skill. In this session, you will learn the structure of compelling stories and how to choose the right story for each individual client.
$15.00 - Base Price

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Audio Stream

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Topic Areas:
Anxiety |  Depression |  Trauma |  Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) |  Hypnosis |  Workshops |  Ericksonian Hypnosis and Therapy Techniques |  Milton Erickson |  Brief Therapy |  Naturalistic
Brief Therapy Conference |  Brief Therapy Conference 2014
Ernest Rossi, PhD |  Kathryn Rossi, PhD |  Roxanna Erickson Klein, RN, PhD, LPC, LCDC
Audio Only
Original Program Date:
Dec 12, 2014
Short Description:
Ernest Rossi, PhD, Roxanna Erickson-Klein and Kathryn Rossi review the case work of Milton H. Erickson, MD in counseling, psychotherapy, therapeutic hypnosis and rehabilitation as evidence-based cognitive behavior therapy to treat anxiety, depression and trauma. This experiential workshop explores the timeless nature of the work of Milton H. Erickson, who substantially influenced the manner that psychotherapy is practiced in the 21 century.
$15.00 - Base Price

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Video Stream

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Topic Areas:
Workshops |  Domestic Violence |  Group Therapy |  Psychotherapy |  Gottman Method |  LGBTQ
Evolution of Psychotherapy 2013 |  Evolution of Psychotherapy
John Gottman, PhD |  Julie Gottman, PhD
Course Levels:
Master Degree or Higher in Health-Related Field
Audio and Video
Original Program Date:
Dec 15, 2013
Short Description:
Current meta-analysis by Julia Babcock shows that same-sex group treatment for domestic violence is ineffective. Couples treatment is illegal in many states. We will present the results (and methods) for treating only situational (not characterological) domestic violence that shows high effectiveness with lasting effects after 18 months. Treatment utilizes Gottman-method curriculum with 21 sessions of couples group work.
Sale is $29.00 price reduced from Base Price - $59.00

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Video Stream

Average Rating:
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Topic Areas:
Workshops |  Hypnosis |  Psychotherapy
Evolution of Psychotherapy 2013 |  Evolution of Psychotherapy
Michael Yapko, PhD
Course Levels:
Master Degree or Higher in Health-Related Field
Audio and Video
Original Program Date:
Dec 15, 2013
Short Description:
Is there any doubt that people learn more easily through experience when they’re focused and receptive? Or that growth is easier when rigid perceptions and boundaries of experience are softened and redefined? Hypnosis highlights the malleability of subjective experience and empowers people to live their best lives. In the past, hypnosis was considered by many to be the “crazy cousin nobody wanted at the therapy family picnic.” But, as the contributions of hypnosis in neuroscience (especially neurogenesis and neuroplasticity), epigenetics, clinical effectiveness, and interpersonal dynamics have steadily grown in importance, hypnosis can be identified as a core component of good therapy in whatever form it may be delivered.
Sale is $29.00 price reduced from Base Price - $59.00

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Audio Stream

Average Rating:
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Topic Areas:
Workshops |  Life Focus Community |  Psychotherapy
Evolution of Psychotherapy |  Evolution of Psychotherapy 2013
Erving Polster, PhD
1 Hour 28 Minutes
Audio Only
Original Program Date:
Dec 15, 2013
Short Description:
A compelling social ethos beckons psychotherapy to expand beyond pathology into the way people live their everyday lives. This workshop will illuminate psychotherapy’s inherent thrust toward the communal: people joining together to explore universal issues of living; naming themes; developing novel formats, and introducing life-defining exercises. This will include a live communal demonstration.
$15.00 - Base Price

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Audio Stream

Average Rating:
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Topic Areas:
Workshops |  Metaphors |  Pain and Healing |  Psychotherapy |  Resources
Evolution of Psychotherapy |  Evolution of Psychotherapy 2013
Robert Dilts, BA
2 Hours
Audio Only
Original Program Date:
Dec 15, 2013
Short Description:
The late Gabrielle Roth, founder of the 5 Rhythms movement practice, was a quintessential woman of the body and sometimes called an “urban shaman.” Gregory Bateson was an iconic man of the mind and a foundational contributor to most modern methods of systemic therapy. Bateson and Roth interacted at Esalen in the legendary times during the late 1970s and Bateson encouraged Roth to bring her creation into the world. This workshop will explore the work of these two pioneers and how to integrate movement and mind to create generative resources for change and healing.
$15.00 - Base Price

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Video Stream

Average Rating:
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Topic Areas:
Workshops |  Feedback Informed Treatment (FIT) |  Relationships |  Tailoring |  Therapeutic Relationship |  Therapist Development
Evolution of Psychotherapy |  Evolution of Psychotherapy 2013
Scott Miller, PhD
Course Levels:
Master Degree or Higher in Health-Related Field
Audio and Video
Original Program Date:
Dec 15, 2013
Short Description:
It’s not a pretty picture. Available evidence indicates that the effectiveness of psychotherapy has not improved in spite of 100 years of theorizing and research. What would help? Not learning a new model of therapy. And no, not attending another CEU event or sorting through that stack of research journals by your desk. A simple, valid, and reliable alternative exists for maximizing the effectiveness and efficiency of treatment based on using ongoing client feedback to empirically tailor services to the individual client’s needs and characteristics. The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration recently deemed feedback informed treatment (FIT) an evidence-based practice.
Sale is $29.00 price reduced from Base Price - $59.00

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Video Stream

Average Rating:
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Topic Areas:
Workshops |  Social Psychology |  Psychotherapy |  Psychology
Evolution of Psychotherapy 2013 |  Evolution of Psychotherapy
Bill O'Hanlon, MS
Course Levels:
Master Degree or Higher in Health-Related Field
Audio and Video
Original Program Date:
Dec 15, 2013
Short Description:
Marketers are learning about and using the latest research on how to persuade people to change their views and behavior, but psychotherapists generally don’t know about or use this research. This session, using videos, audios and stories to bring the material alive, will teach you three powerful methods for radically increasing cooperation in therapy.
Sale is $29.00 price reduced from Base Price - $59.00

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Audio Stream

Average Rating:
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Topic Areas:
Workshops |  Art and Creativity |  Psychotherapy |  Utilization |  Communication
Evolution of Psychotherapy |  Evolution of Psychotherapy 2013
Jeffrey Zeig, PhD
1 Hour 43 Minutes
Audio Only
Original Program Date:
Dec 15, 2013
Short Description:
Language is both informative and expressive. It is the expressive component that elicits changes in emotion, sensation, “state,” and physiology; the words only convey part of the message. We will study the effective use of prosody, proximity, gesture, expression and context, and how those channels can be woven into the process of communication to create dramatic moments that empower effective clinical outcomes. Lecture, demonstration, small group practice.
$15.00 - Base Price

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