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Audio Stream

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Topic Areas:
Workshops |  Couples Therapy |  Hypnotic Induction |  Trance |  Psychobiological Approach to Couples Therapy (PACT) |  Brief Therapy
Brief Therapy Conference |  Brief Therapy Conference 2016
Audio Only
Short Description:
This second of two workshops will demonstrate the use of informal trance in couple therapy. PACT therapists use of posing (partners holding stationary positions) as a major therapeutic tool for both the couple and therapist in managing arousal, attention, and for inducing trance states. Attendees will learn a common PACT approach to inducing informal trance states in partners using what’s been termed, The Lovers Pose. Partners go into a deeper state whereby the therapist can probe, prod, and investigate more implicit issues that plague the relationship. Attendees will view clinical video demonstrations as well as live demonstrations to further illustrate this technique.
Base Price:
Price with Discount:

Audio Stream

Average Rating:
Not yet rated
Topic Areas:
Workshops |  Couples Therapy |  Relationships
Couples Conference |  Couples Conference 2007
Audio Only
Short Description:
Madanes will present a series of skills, practices and strategies for enhancing relationships. There will be an opportunity for discussion and for practicing some of these skills.
Base Price:
Price with Discount:

Video Stream

Average Rating:
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Topic Areas:
Master Classes |  Hypnosis |  Psychotherapy |  Ericksonian Hypnosis and Therapy Techniques |  Strategic Therapy |  Ericksonian Psychotherapy |  Experiential Therapy |  Hypnotherapy
Brief Therapy Conference |  Brief Therapy Conference 2018
Course Levels:
Master Degree or Higher in Health-Related Field
Audio and Video
Short Description:
Ericksonian hypnotherapy and strategic approaches promote experiential methods of change. In combination they can be synergistic. Psychotherapy is best when clients have the experience of an alive, goal-oriented therapeutic process. Such dynamic empowering experiences pave the way for new understandings and growth-oriented possibilities. Drs. Yapko and Zeig will engage with each other and the participants to examine commonalities and differences in their work. The Master Class centers on providing then deconstructing demonstrations of Ericksonian Psychotherapy and Hypnosis, providing a unique opportunity for in-depth learning.
Base Price:
$29.00 Sale Base Price - $59.00
Price with Discount:

Audio Stream

Average Rating:
Not yet rated
Topic Areas:
Master Classes |  Hypnosis |  Psychotherapy |  Ericksonian Hypnosis and Therapy Techniques |  Strategic Therapy |  Ericksonian Psychotherapy |  Experiential Therapy |  Hypnotherapy
Brief Therapy Conference |  Brief Therapy Conference 2018
Audio Only
Short Description:
Ericksonian hypnotherapy and strategic approaches promote experiential methods of change. In combination they can be synergistic. Psychotherapy is best when clients have the experience of an alive, goal-oriented therapeutic process. Such dynamic empowering experiences pave the way for new understandings and growth-oriented possibilities. Drs. Yapko and Zeig will engage with each other and the participants to examine commonalities and differences in their work. The Master Class centers on providing then deconstructing demonstrations of Ericksonian Psychotherapy and Hypnosis, providing a unique opportunity for in-depth learning.
Base Price:
Price with Discount:

Video Stream

Average Rating:
Not yet rated
Topic Areas:
Workshops |  Psychotherapy |  Therapeutic Relationship |  Therapist Development
Evolution of Psychotherapy |  Evolution of Psychotherapy 1985
Course Levels:
Master Degree or Higher in Health-Related Field
Audio and Video
Short Description:
A brief discussion of my experience with demonstration interviews. A "client" will be selected from among those who volunteer. A thirty-minute demonstration interview will be held, followed by interaction between the group, the client and me.
Base Price:
Price with Discount:

Audio Stream

Average Rating:
Not yet rated
Topic Areas:
Couples Therapy |  Workshops |  IMAGO |  Intimacy |  Psychotherapy
Evolution of Psychotherapy |  Evolution of Psychotherapy 2009
2 hours 55 minutes
Audio Only
Short Description:
In this workshop, using lectures, demonstrations and practice, participants will distinguish between the individual and relational paradigm, and learn how to use the Imago Dialogue Process to help couples create a conscious partnership in which difference is accepted, conflict is transformed into creative tension, love is born and sustained, and personal healing and growth are facilitated.
Base Price:
Price with Discount:

Audio Stream

Average Rating:
Not yet rated
Topic Areas:
Workshops |  Multicultural |  Storytelling |  Brief Therapy |  Consciousness
Brief Therapy Conference |  Brief Therapy Conference 2008
Audio Only
Short Description:
This workshop will explore archetypical and imaginal sources for Social Artistry, and address states of consciousness research as it applies to exploring the possible human and the possible society.
Base Price:
Price with Discount:

Audio Stream

Average Rating:
Not yet rated
Topic Areas:
Workshops |  Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) |  Brief Therapy
Brief Therapy Conference |  Brief Therapy Conference 2008
Audio Only
Short Description:
This workshop will describe the main techniques and benefits of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT), as well as discuss its efficiency and effectiveness as a brief therapy. Participants will learn important and helpful self-work to do after therapy. There will be live demonstrations with audience volunteers, and time for questions from participants.
Base Price:
Price with Discount:

Video Stream

Average Rating:
Not yet rated
Topic Areas:
Workshops |  Meditation, Spirituality and Yoga |  Psychology |  Mindfulness |  Buddhism |  Psychotherapy
Evolution of Psychotherapy 2013 |  Evolution of Psychotherapy
Course Levels:
Master Degree or Higher in Health-Related Field
Audio and Video
Short Description:
In this workshop we will explore the principles and practices of Buddhist Psychology, and how mindfulness, compassion and related practices can be applied in clinical and pragmatic ways in the West. Through teachings, case studies, stories and guided trainings, we will learn the positive strengths of these powerful approaches and experience a taste of their benefits.
Base Price:
$29.00 Sale Base Price - $59.00
Price with Discount:

Video Stream

Average Rating:
Not yet rated
Topic Areas:
Workshops |  Suicide |  Dialectic Behavior Therapy (DBT) |  Psychotherapy |  Bipolar
Evolution of Psychotherapy |  Evolution of Psychotherapy 2005
Course Levels:
Master Degree or Higher in Health-Related Field
Audio and Video
Short Description:
This workshop will start with a brief overview of Dialectical Behavior Therapy and other efficacious treatments for suicidal behaviors and BiPolar Disorder. We will then present a series of videos of DBT applied to BPD patients with intermittent commentary and discussion of the DBT procedures as they are used in the sessions.
Base Price:
$29.00 Sale Base Price - $59.00
Price with Discount:

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