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Audio Stream

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Topic Areas:
Workshops |  Relational Life Therapy Model (RLT) |  Couples Therapy |  Marriage |  Intimacy |  Love
Couples Conference |  Couples Conference 2004
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Short Description:
CC04 WS10 - Relational Recovery Therapy: A Radical New Approach to Intimacy Problems - Terry Real, LICSW
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Audio Stream

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Topic Areas:
Workshops |  Anxiety |  Couples Therapy |  Depression |  Divorce |  Marriage |  Relationships
Couples Conference |  Couples Conference 2004
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Short Description:
Anxiety and depression are fast becoming the leading causes of personal disability and the single greatest destructive force in relationships. Research indicates that when one person in a relationship is depressed, the divorce rate goes up nine times. Therefore, it is vital that therapists learn to recognize typical and atypical symptoms early in therapy. It also is imperative that symptoms of relational depression are recognized. Lecture, video, written exercises and demonstration will be used.
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Audio Stream

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Topic Areas:
Workshops |  Couples Therapy |  Narcissism |  Differentiation |  Personality Disorders
Couples Conference |  Couples Conference 2004
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Short Description:
Some narcissists want to be adored without giving much in return. Others make outrageous demands. Couples therapists are continually challenged to remain centered and not get derailed by their defensive styles. In this workshop, we will discuss how to promote recovery and repair, how to confront and how to increase differentiation to sustain long-term change.
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Audio Stream

Average Rating:
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Topic Areas:
Conversation Hours |  Couples Therapy |  Grief
Couples Conference |  Couples Conference 2004
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Short Description:
CC04 Conversation Hour 02 - Couples and Grief - Jeffrey Zeig, Ph.D.
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Audio Stream

Average Rating:
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Topic Areas:
Keynotes |  Couples Therapy |  Neurobiology |  Intimacy |  Neuroscience |  Relationships
Couples Conference |  Couples Conference 2004
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Short Description:
Since the 1990s our understanding of the brain and behavior has taken a giant leap forward. This lecture brings you the latest research on the biology of relationships, along with hopeful new treatment protocols. Dr. Amen shares new insights from the brain through case studies from his own practice with couples who have benefited from his imaging work.
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Audio Stream

Average Rating:
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Topic Areas:
Keynotes |  Love |  Couples Therapy |  Gender |  Marriage
Couples Conference |  Couples Conference 2004
Audio Only
Short Description:
For half a century, close to half of all American marriages crash and burn. Of those couples who stay together, how many do so happily and passionately? Why do so many men and women start off in love and end up in misery? Why is it that the field of couple's therapy has done far too little to alter these grim statistics? In this presentation, Terry Real will introduce a radical new couple's therapy approach that aims to empower the woman, and reconnect the man with a startling and liberating therapeutic truthfulness.
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Audio Stream

Average Rating:
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Topic Areas:
Dialogues |  Affairs |  Couples Therapy |  Intimacy |  Sex and Sexuality
Couples Conference |  Couples Conference 2004
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Short Description:
CC04 Dialogue 01 - Affairs and Eroticism - Esther Perel, M.A. and Janis Spring, Ph.D., ABPP
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Audio Stream

Average Rating:
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Topic Areas:
Workshops |  Couples Therapy |  Confrontation
Couples Conference |  Couples Conference 2004
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Short Description:
Couples therapy with challenging partners is a therapy of confrontation. You must be proficient at the nuances of gentle and forceful, but effective confrontation. You must oversee and control the confrontation between your clients, to ensure that it remains productive and positive. Learn to confront the partners, help partners confront each other, and manage yourself when they challenge you.
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Audio Stream

Average Rating:
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Topic Areas:
Workshops |  Couples Therapy |  Multicultural |  Religion |  Gender
Couples Conference |  Couples Conference 2004
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Short Description:
Cultural and religious differences provide the backdrop against which couples' issues of commitment, gender and child raising, as well as, family connectedness and cultural loyalty are played out. Mixed couples often face difficult decisions at key junctures in the life cycle. In this workshop, participants will learn to identify conflicts around culture and religion, tease out the cultural contexts of common couples' dilemmas, and help clients make informed choices about the role that group continuity, family tradition and cultural values will play in their lives.
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Price with Discount:

Audio Stream

Average Rating:
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Topic Areas:
Workshops |  Couples Therapy |  Hypnosis |  Hypnotherapy |  Experiential Therapy |  Unconscious Processes
Couples Conference |  Couples Conference 2004
Audio Only
Short Description:
Hypnosis is an experiential method of "gift wrapping" ideas. With or without formal trance, hypnotic methods can be used in the assessment and intervention process of couples therapy.
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