In part two of a Teaching seminar with Milton Erickson, you will witness how Erickson carefully observed and utilized a student’s non-verbal behaviors to developing a trance experience using arm levitation while simultaneously interacting to teach other students. You will see how Dr. Erickson strategically used hypnotic phenomena.
Erickson resisted standardized hypnotic protocols because he found that everyone responded to hypnosis uniquely. Rather than seeking to force his preferred hypnotic phenomena, he cultivated whatever came naturally. Fortunately, clinical objectives, such as pain relief, can be achieved using a variety of hypnotic phenomena. This session will identify three broad classes of hypnotic experiencing and provide guidance on how to identify natural predispositions.
$29.00Base Price - $59.00 Sale is $29.00price reduced from Base Price - $59.00
This presentation will allow for a dialog with attendees regarding the merits of hypnosis, the ways it can be applied clinically, the differences between laboratory and clinical effects on hypnotic responsiveness, and other topics of interest regarding hypnosis.
This workshop will provide participants with an introduction to the key concepts and techniques of practice in Ericksonian hypnosis. A brief biography of Erickson’s professional life will provide perspective on the extensive contributions he made to the fields of hypnosis and psychotherapy. Terminology of hypnosis will be explained and various approaches to induction will be described and demonstrated. The process of a typical hypnotic session will be outlined. Considerable attention will be afforded the hypnotic phenomena, the essential mechanisms in hypnotic therapy. Erickson’s landmark concepts of utilization and indirection will be explored with particular focus on the use of therapeutic anecdotes and metaphors.
Building on the pragmatic foundation you have already developed as a clinician, you can readily appreciate that suggestion is an inevitable part of any treatment modality. The study of clinical hypnosis encourages a deeper understanding of how you already use suggestive language in your therapy approaches as well as ways to broaden your range of skills in suggesting therapeutic possibilities. Immersion in the practice of clinical hypnosis fosters sensitivity to the unique and subjective aspects of human experience and offers ways to enlist these potentials as positive allies in treatment. In this respect, hypnosis may well be regarded as the original applied “Positive Psychology,” for anyone who practices hypnosis recognizes that people have many more resources than they realize.
Building on the pragmatic foundation you have already developed as a clinician, you can readily appreciate that suggestion is an inevitable part of any treatment modality. The study of clinical hypnosis encourages a deeper under- standing of how you already use suggestive language in your therapy approaches as well as ways to broaden your range of skills in suggesting therapeutic possibilities. Immersion in the practice of clinical hypnosis fosters sensitivity to the unique and subjective aspects of human experience and offers ways to enlist these potentials as positive allies in treatment. In this respect, hypnosis may well be regarded as the original applied “Positive Psychology,” for anyone who practices hypnosis recognizes that people have many more resources than they realize. Hypnosis allows innate resources we all have to be far mor
Coverage begins with essential topics and terminology in hypnosis. The process of a hypnotic session will be explained. (Participants will practice observing and elicitation of focused awareness in hypnotic subjects.) Various frameworks for hypnotic induction will be explained, demonstrated. The utilization of hypnosis always involves the hypnotic phenomena.
$29.00Base Price - $59.00 Sale is $29.00price reduced from Base Price - $59.00
Coverage begins with essential topics and terminology in hypnosis. The process of a hypnotic session will be explained. (Participants will practice observing and elicitation of focused awareness in hypnotic subjects.) Various frameworks for hypnotic induction will be explained, demonstrated. The utilization of hypnosis always involves the hypnotic phenomena.
$29.00Base Price - $59.00 Sale is $29.00price reduced from Base Price - $59.00
Coverage begins with essential topics and terminology in hypnosis. The process of a hypnotic session will be explained. (Participants will practice observing and elicitation of focused awareness in hypnotic subjects.) Various frameworks for hypnotic induction will be explained, demonstrated. The utilization of hypnosis always involves the hypnotic phenomena. A part of the workshop will explore the various phenomena and their role in clinical contexts.
$29.00Base Price - $59.00 Sale is $29.00price reduced from Base Price - $59.00
Erickson commented that, for most clinical work, a light to medium trance is sufficient. But there are instances when it is helpful to elicit deep trance phenomena, such as hypnotic amnesia, immobility, analgesia, dissociation, and positive hallucinations. The elicitation of these abilities will be demonstrated as well as utilization of failure to produce certain deep trance phenomena.
$29.00Base Price - $59.00 Sale is $29.00price reduced from Base Price - $59.00