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Topic Areas:
Hypnosis |  Short Courses |  Supervision |  Utilization
Erickson Congress |  Erickson Congress 2011
Audio Only
Short Description:
By utilizing hypnosis in supervision, supervisors can help supervisees tap into their resources and grow in confidence as therapists. This process of utilizing hypnosis in supervision can be a useful method to meet the standards for achieving the results that supervisors, supervisees, and clients seek. This process can be a very effective method in achieving coherence, strengthening the ability to be accountable, while helping form a clear map for directing supervision.
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Topic Areas:
Hypnotherapy |  Short Courses |  Communication |  Utilization
Erickson Congress |  Erickson Congress 2011
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Short Description:
This workshop will introduce a holistic-motivational approach toward hypnotherapy, inspired by the work of Abraham Maslow. It will use lecture and demonstrations to show how hypnotherapy can aid in the utilization and encouragement of what Maslow would call Being Motivation and Being Values in order to create lasting solutions. Participants will also learn specific forms of Ericksonian communication that may enhance Being Motivation and Being Values.
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Topic Areas:
Short Courses |  Children and Adolescent Therapy |  Family Therapy |  Strengths-Based
Erickson Congress |  Erickson Congress 2011
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Short Description:
A Strengths-Based Therapy approach provides practitioners with essential principles and practices for improving effectiveness and outcomes with adolescents and families. Participants in this work-shop will be introduced to current research findings on effective practice and will learn key strategies to strengthen the therapeutic relationship and alliance, maximize client contributions to change, and respond efficiently to client progress. The strategies offered can be applied to a wide range of settings with a continuum of concerns.
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Topic Areas:
Hypnotherapy |  Short Courses |  Pain and Healing |  Brief Therapy |  Self-Hypnosis
Erickson Congress |  Erickson Congress 2011
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Short Description:
This short course will introduce a treatment approach that targets the affective dimension of pain. The emotion specific wording and elicitation of positive state dependent learning can be used in a brief therapy approach whether or not patients' feelings of anger, sadness, or anxiety are associated with physical pain.
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Topic Areas:
Short Courses |  Pain and Healing |  Self-Hypnosis |  Affect |  Anxiety
Erickson Congress |  Erickson Congress 2011
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Short Description:
Guide your patients in self-relational, self-hypnotic intra-body conversations to self-manage their chronic pain and suffering. Patients will learn to compassionately listen to pain signals as distinct from self and body, and to proactively respond in self-supportive and soothing ways. The process is also effective for affect and anxiety management.
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Topic Areas:
Short Courses |  Goals of the Therapist |  Hypnosis |  Post-Hypnotic Suggestion |  Suggestion
Erickson Congress |  Erickson Congress 2011
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Short Description:
The probability that posthypnotic suggestions will be carried out is highly increased by associating them to the client’s daily life events or activities with an analogical or metaphorical relationship to the therapeutic goals. These life events or activities work as a frequently available signal that facilitates the in-tended behavior or response.
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Audio Stream

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Topic Areas:
Short Courses |  Resistance |  Priming
Erickson Congress |  Erickson Congress 2011
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Short Description:
Priming is the process of directly or indirectly introducing new ideas to clients and preparing them for new perspectives and behaviors. Attendees will learn what priming is, the theory behind what occurs in the brain when priming occurs, and how to incorporate priming into the therapeutic dialogue to resolve resistance, discover solutions, and create therapeutic movement.
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Audio Stream

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Topic Areas:
Short Courses |  Hypnosis |  Meditation, Spirituality and Yoga
Erickson Congress |  Erickson Congress 2011
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Short Description:
Many clients seek therapy in a spiritual crisis. Some feel that life has no meaning or is punishment requiring redemption. In this seminar, the presenter will describe original research on the patterns that cause these misconceptions and lead participants in a guided meditation back in time to the formation of their souls. There they will attend an orientation seminar to review their soul contracts and prepare for a satisfying life in the dualistic universe.
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Topic Areas:
Animal Assisted Therapy |  Psychotherapy |  Short Courses
Erickson Congress |  Erickson Congress 2011
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Short Description:
This workshop will explore the human-animal bond and its history and will define and describe the use of Animal-Assisted Therapy (AAT) and Equine-Assisted Psychotherapy (EAP in working with domestic violence survivors, child-witnesses, families, children at risk and populations not benefiting from traditional therapies. In addition to the information presented about this brief therapy, participants will have the opportunity to view a video of AAT and EAP sessions.
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Audio Stream

Average Rating:
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Topic Areas:
Short Courses |  Attunement |  Communication |  Neuroscience |  Relationships
Erickson Congress |  Erickson Congress 2011
Audio Only
Short Description:
Communicating and understanding others, beyond the verbal language, are interactional motor experiences: the Mirror Neurons are the biological base of intentional attunement and underpin the ability to perceive the difference between action and mere movement. In this experiential workshop, therapists will learn ways to successfully interweave somatic awareness techniques to facilitate their ability to listen and respond to their embodied emotions. A variety of exercises from acting techniques will be taught that promote body language for communication avoiding cognitive processes to utilize the creative resources and to improve flexibility through self-exploration and self-expression.
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