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Topic Areas:
Workshops |  Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) |  Ericksonian Hypnosis and Therapy Techniques
Erickson Congress |  Erickson Congress 2019
1 Hour 1 Minutes
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Short Description:
Teaching since 12 years in China I also learned techniques from leading Chinese colleagues. In this workshop I will demonstrate an old Chinese technique used originally for preparing mentally for meditation in a way, so it can be used for psychotherapeutic purposes.
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Topic Areas:
Workshops |  Anxiety |  Milton Erickson |  Virginia Satir |  Somatic Experiences |  Hypnotherapy |  Resources
Erickson Congress |  Erickson Congress 2019
1 Hour 58 Minutes
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Short Description:
In this workshop, East and West blend, intertwine, and approach anxiety symptoms in a creative way. Eva from Germany, with her masterful practice in Satir somatic modeling, combined with Wei Kai from Taiwan, with his mindful practice in Tai Chi and Taoism hypnotherapy, will create a new model in treating anxiety. We both learned Ericksonian approach for years, and utilized various somatic movements to help self regulation, and increase self steering competencies in challenging times.
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Topic Areas:
Workshops |  Core Competencies of Ericksonian Therapy |  Ericksonian Hypnosis and Therapy Techniques |  Hypnosis
Erickson Congress |  Erickson Congress 2019
1 Hour 57 Minutes
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Short Description:
Recently a set of core competencies was identified and endorsed by a majority of the leading figures in Ericksonian therapy. These key concepts have been subjected to empirical testing and found to be pivotal to the identity of this unique form of therapy. Dan Short, author of the recently released Core Competencies Manual for Ericksonian Therapy, will provide an overview of this wealth of information.
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Topic Areas:
Workshops |  Love |  Brief Therapy |  Motivation |  Solution Oriented Approach |  Therapist Development
Erickson Congress |  Erickson Congress 2019
1 Hour 31 Minutes
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Short Description:
This workshop provides a framework for assessing clients along two important dimensions that impact therapeutic outcome: motivation and sense of agency (one’s perception of their ability to create change in their own lives). This assessment fosters interventions that enhance the capacity for strategic interventions to be truly brief and solution focused. The participant in this workshop will have the opportunity to observe and practice this approach.
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Audio Stream

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Topic Areas:
Workshops |  Ericksonian Psychotherapy |  Psychotherapy |  Ericksonian Hypnosis and Therapy Techniques |  Unconscious Processes
Erickson Congress |  Erickson Congress 2019
1 Hour 30 Minutes
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Short Description:
Dr. Erickson proposed that all our life experiences were learnings and resources registered in our Unconscious Mind. He considered Unconscious Mind as a Wise Part. For Quantum Physics in the same way that all the information about each person is in its DNA, the information of the Whole Universe is present in each one of its parts. I call that information our Universal Wisdom. Wisdom, because it is all the information and Universal because it is the same everywhere. For me Universal Wisdom is the Creative Force, and so, Almighty. That is not a question of beliefs but a question of imagining. What we imagine for our brain is stronger than what it recognizes as reality.
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Topic Areas:
Workshops |  Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) |  Trauma
Erickson Congress |  Erickson Congress 2019
1 Hour 57 Minutes
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Short Description:
“Traumatophobia” is fear of fear itself, sensitizing people to the psychological effects of stressors such as crime, terror, and hurtful communications. Paradoxically, increasing knowledge of trauma has not empowered, but sensitized us to it — thereby amplifying its effects. The Institute of Medicine challenged society to examine this process, and redirect our knowledge toward building resilience.
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Tags: PTSD Trauma

Audio Stream

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Topic Areas:
Hypnosis |  Self-Hypnosis |  Multicultural |  Therapist Development
Erickson Congress |  Erickson Congress 2019
4 Hours 7 Minutes
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Short Description:
This event is designed to educate professionals about the power of self- hypnosis. The workshop offers an experiential approach that is brought together by comparing and contrasting the learning backgrounds from the two co-presenters. Each bringing different life experiences, cultural elements are identified and utilized to facilitate participants’ individual creation of their own learning pathway.
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Audio Stream

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Topic Areas:
Workshops |  Psychotherapy |  Resistance |  Therapeutic Relationship |  Therapist Development
Evolution of Psychotherapy |  Evolution of Psychotherapy 1995
1 Hour 28 Minutes
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Short Description:
The client's task is to try to be open to his/her inner experiencing, disclosing it to the therapist. A client discovers difficulties in doing so, thus disclosing the resistances which are isomorphic with the client's difficulties in life more generally. The therapist's task is to teach and monitor this process.
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Audio Stream

Average Rating:
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Topic Areas:
Topical Panels |  Psychotherapy |  Therapist Development |  Training
Evolution of Psychotherapy |  Evolution of Psychotherapy 1995
Course Levels:
Master Degree or Higher in Health-Related Field
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Short Description:
A panel of experts discuss their viewpoints on the given topic.
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Audio Stream

Average Rating:
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Topic Areas:
Topical Panels |  Psychotherapy
Evolution of Psychotherapy |  Evolution of Psychotherapy 1995
52 Minutes
Audio Only
Short Description:
A panel of experts discuss their viewpoints on the given topic.
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