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CC09 Workshop 04 - Core Negative Images: Turning Your Worst Enemy into Your Best Friend - Terry Real, LICSW

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Topic Areas:
Workshops |  Couples Therapy |  Conflict |  Relationships
Couples Conference |  Couples Conference 2009
Terry Real, LICSW
Audio Only
Original Program Date:
May 01, 2009
Never Expires.



The reason why most couples' characteristic fights never get resolved is because in our most heated moments, we stop fighting with each other. Core negative images (CNIs) start fighting and the two real partners get lost. This workshop teaches participants how to help partners identify, make explicit, accept, and ultimately work with one another's core negative images. As partners are taught to utilize each other's CNIs, rather than fight them, all sorts of creative and deliberating possibilities emerge.

Educational Objectives:

  1. To define “core negative image.”
  2. To describe the use of “core negative image” in therapy.

*Sessions may be edited for content and to preserve confidentiality*



Terry Real, LICSW's Profile

Terry Real, LICSW Related Seminars and Products

Terry Real, LICSW, is a nationally recognized family therapist, author, and teacher. He is particularly known for his groundbreaking work on men and male psychology as well as his work on gender and couples; he has been in private practice for over twenty-five years. Terry has appeared often as the relationship expert for Good Morning America and ABC News. His work has been featured in numerous academic articles as well as media venues such as Oprah, 20/20, The Today Show, CNN, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Psychology Today and many others.
