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Couples Conference |  Couples Conference 2022
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The Solution Focused Approach is known for being a questions based way of working with clients, thus the key to mastering this approach lays within developing the ability to ask questions that lead toward change. This is an even more crucial skill when working with couples due to the fact that there is more than one person present in the session. This presentation will clearly show how to ask the kinds of questions that evoke love and happiness in a couple's lives.

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Topic Areas:
Couples Conference 2022
Couples Conference |  Couples Conference 2022
Course Levels:
Master Degree or Higher in Health-Related Field
Audio and Video
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As more and more people experiment with non-monogamy, therapists everywhere are being called upon to work with polyamory-related relational challenges. Are you prepared to help a client navigate the predictable pitfalls that come with a transition into an open relationship? Clients may be affected by pre-existing unresolved relational issues, like infidelity or substance abuse. They may have significant knowledge deficits about non-monogamous relationship styles, or difficulty making and keeping agreements. Or they may not be able to agree on whether to open their relationship in the first place. How can you help clients build the skills they need in order to make polyamory work well, and what skills are those? Gain concrete strategies for handling the key difficulties your clients will face when opening up. Expect case examples, worksheets and exercises, and an opportunity to ask Martha about your toughest polyamory-related cases.

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Topic Areas:
Couples Conference |  Couples Conference 2022
Audio Only
Short Description:
As more and more people experiment with non-monogamy, therapists everywhere are being called upon to work with polyamory-related relational challenges. Are you prepared to help a client navigate the predictable pitfalls that come with a transition into an open relationship? Clients may be affected by pre-existing unresolved relational issues, like infidelity or substance abuse. They may have significant knowledge deficits about non-monogamous relationship styles, or difficulty making and keeping agreements. Or they may not be able to agree on whether to open their relationship in the first place. How can you help clients build the skills they need in order to make polyamory work well, and what skills are those? Gain concrete strategies for handling the key difficulties your clients will face when opening up. Expect case examples, worksheets and exercises, and an opportunity to ask Martha about your toughest polyamory-related cases.

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Topic Areas:
Couples Conference 2022
Couples Conference |  Couples Conference 2020
Course Levels:
Master Degree or Higher in Health-Related Field
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The empty chair psychodrama was first made popular by Fritz Perls, founder of Gestalt therapy. It has since been adapted into Redecision Therapy, The Developmental Model, Voice Dialogue, Family Constellation, and even Cognitive-Behavioral therapy. PACT has adapted this approach for use within the couple session when consistent projection or projective identification processes impede the forward development of one or both partners. This particular technique uses Self and Object Relations theory to capture real time archaic self and object representations that maintain an ego syntonic, regressed relationship with one (or more) original caregiver(s). The psychodrama provides an opportunity for the couple therapist to bring this maladaptive early relationship to light and to make strides toward ego dystonic rejection of the regressive behavior.

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Topic Areas:
Couples Conference |  Couples Conference 2020
Audio Only
Short Description:
The empty chair psychodrama was first made popular by Fritz Perls, founder of Gestalt therapy. It has since been adapted into Redecision Therapy, The Developmental Model, Voice Dialogue, Family Constellation, and even Cognitive-Behavioral therapy. PACT has adapted this approach for use within the couple session when consistent projection or projective identification processes impede the forward development of one or both partners. This particular technique uses Self and Object Relations theory to capture real time archaic self and object representations that maintain an ego syntonic, regressed relationship with one (or more) original caregiver(s). The psychodrama provides an opportunity for the couple therapist to bring this maladaptive early relationship to light and to make strides toward ego dystonic rejection of the regressive behavior.

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Topic Areas:
Couples Conference 2022
Couples Conference |  Couples Conference 2022
Course Levels:
Master Degree or Higher in Health-Related Field
Audio and Video
Short Description:
The Solution Focused Approach has been around since the 1970s and in that time it has grown in prominence and popularity amongst professionals in many fields. One area where it has been gaining steam in recent years has been in working with couples. This is an approach about using questions to help the couple move their relationship from the problem towards a future that is more desirable to both partners.

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Topic Areas:
Couples Conference |  Couples Conference 2022
Audio Only
Short Description:
The Solution Focused Approach has been around since the 1970s and in that time it has grown in prominence and popularity amongst professionals in many fields. One area where it has been gaining steam in recent years has been in working with couples. This is an approach about using questions to help the couple move their relationship from the problem towards a future that is more desirable to both partners.

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Topic Areas:
Topical Panels
Couples Conference 2022
Couples Conference |  Couples Conference 2022
Course Levels:
Master Degree or Higher in Health-Related Field
Audio and Video
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A review of the pitfalls of deception as applied to relationships including therapeutic approaches.

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Topic Areas:
Topical Panels
Couples Conference |  Couples Conference 2022
Audio Only
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A review of the pitfalls of deception as applied to relationships including therapeutic approaches.

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Topic Areas:
Couples Conference 2022
Couples Conference |  Couples Conference 2022
Course Levels:
Master Degree or Higher in Health-Related Field
Audio and Video
Short Description:
In this golden age for models of couples therapy, therapists may wonder if they should be practicing the “one best model.” The research is clear that couples therapy models that have been tested are about equally effective, and that there are a number of key ingredients in any effective way to practice couples therapy. The presenter will describe these key ingredients that cut across models and some skills necessary to practice any model. He will argue that since this therapy is about improving relationships, the relationships we establish with our couple clients—balanced, caring, and sometimes challenging—are the heart of what we have to do well.

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