IC01 Short Course 16 - Advanced Strategic Therapy for Beginners: Therapy in the Language Experience of Human Beings - Donald Miretsky, MEd, CPC
This short course will teach advanced conceptualization and technique by summarizing it in the
language experience of human beings. This means teaching a four-step approach incorporating
everyday language, common sense concepts and humor so beginners as well as experienced
therapists can learn and apply the skills. This approach is demonstrated by case and video
presentation of severely disordered children.
IC01 Short Course 37 - Integrating Two Psychotherapy Approaches with Different Philosophical Positions: Ericksonian Psychotherapy and Collaborative Language - Blanca Iris Corzo, MA
As an Ericksonian psychotherapist, how do I open up a space to new frameworks that propose
different and even opposite ideas, such as Ericksonian Psychotherapy and Collaborative
Language? A general review of the main points that define both approaches will be done in order
to know the differences and similarities of both approaches. This course is aimed at inviting
these two positions to co-exist effectively during the psychotherapeutic process.
IC01 Workshop 26 - Watch Your Tongue: Language is Slippery - Norma Barretta, PhD and Philip Barretta, MA, MFT
Many people stumble through life stuck in linguistic traps which imprison them. Language influences
outcomes. The words we select in working with patients have a power beyond the wildest imagination.
Ambiguity is a most useful linguistic tool. It enables the listener to assign relevant meaning. The
Barrettas will demonstrate and have participants experience everal hypnotically useful language
This workshop will demonstrate through lecture, videotapes case examples and practice exercises how a working knowledge of "language games" can allow therapists to appropriately, respectfully and effectively address emotions in the context of psychotherapy and conversely, how misuse of language could potentially lead to a variety of negative consequences including client disenfranchisement, disempowerment, reification of problems and iatrogenic symptoms.
To achieve optimal health and functioning, we need our minds to be in a relaxed and focused state. This demonstration uses imagery, color, sound, light, metaphor and transfer of energy to achieve change in states of consciousness for mental and physical fitness.
Therapy is, inherently, a means of influencing a client, mostly verbally. This workshop will illustrate guidelines for making language more precise and effective in order to enhance the therapist's and client's goal of the therapy. Guidelines will be explained didactically, in a composite videotape of a clinical case and in dialogue with participants.
Participants will be guided through several exercises to help them learn and practice the construction of four forms of confusion technique, bring the number of indirect suggestion to six and the number of therapeutic binds to four. A demonstration using these forms will illustrate the implementations of this set of language techniques for the induction and treatment process.
This technique is among the most crucial to good therapy. Participants will be guided through several exercises to help them learn and practice the construction of six forms of indirect suggestions and four forms of binds. A demonstration using these forms will illustrate the implementation of this set of language techniques for the induction and treatment process. The use of indirect suggestions in further treatment will be outlined.
Although your clientele may be voluntarily seeking treatment, you will occasionally encounter individuals who are strongly opposed to outside influence. Standard techniques and procedures often fail to achieve results with these individuals. This workshop will describe the type of approach that achieves positive outcomes in cases of complex resistance.