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IC04 Workshop 01 - Taking Emotions Seriously: Wittgenstein, Language and Solution-Focused Therapy - Steve de Shazer, M.S.S.W. and Yvonne Dolan, M.A.

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Topic Areas:
Workshops |  Psychotherapy |  Solution Oriented Approach |  Language of Hypnosis
Erickson Congress |  Erickson Congress 2004
Steve De Shazer, MSSW |  Yvonne Dolan, MA
Audio Only
Original Program Date:
Dec 02, 2004
Never Expires.



This workshop will demonstrate through lecture, videotapes case examples and practice exercises how a working knowledge of "language games" can allow therapists to appropriately, respectfully and effectively address emotions in the context of psychotherapy and conversely, how misuse of language could potentially lead to a variety of negative consequences including client disenfranchisement, disempowerment, reification of problems and iatrogenic symptoms.

Educational Objectives:

  1. To describe the difference between explanations and scientific reasons and their applicability to psychotherapy.
  2. To identify one essential condition that must be met in order to speak both accurately and respectfully with clients about emotion.

*Sessions may be edited for content and to preserve confidentiality*



Steve De Shazer, MSSW's Profile

Steve De Shazer, MSSW Related Seminars and Products

STEVE DE SHAZER, MSSW, is co-founder and Senior Research Associate at the Brief Family Therapy Center in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and is co-developer of Solution-Focused Brief Therapy. He is the author of five books and various professional articles. Mr. de Shazer is on the editorial boards of various journals and has presented, trained and consulted widely in North America, Europe, Australia and Asia.

Yvonne Dolan, MA's Profile

Yvonne Dolan, MA Related Seminars and Products

Vice President of the Solution-Focused Brief Therapy Association. Psychotherapist for over 25 years, internationally recognized for her books and training seminars in solutionfocused and Ericksonian therapy. Affliliated with the Milwaukee Brief Family Therapy Center. She has written six books, including co-authoring with the late Steve de Shazer and colleagues, More Than Miracles: The State of the Art of Solution-Focused Therapy , an update of the SFBT approach that will be published in 2006. 
