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Average Rating:
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Topic Areas:
Clinical Demonstrations |  Family Therapy |  Psychotherapy
Pioneers of Psychotherapy Bundle
Pioneers of Psychotherapy |  Evolution of Psychotherapy |  Evolution of Psychotherapy 1990
Course Levels:
Master Degree or Higher in Health-Related Field
Audio and Video
Short Description:
Carl Whitaker (1990) demonstrates consultation and therapy with a therapist who has brought a bilingual family with a mother who experiences anxiety attacks. The maternal grandmother, mother, father, and two children are engaged by Whitaker as he sits on the floor and experiments with different types of play and fantasy.

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Not yet rated
Topic Areas:
Clinical Demonstrations |  Couples Therapy |  Strategic Therapy |  Psychotherapy |  Humor
Women Pioneers of Psychotherapy | Pioneers of Psychotherapy Bundle
Pioneers of Psychotherapy |  Evolution of Psychotherapy |  Evolution of Psychotherapy 2009
Course Levels:
Master Degree or Higher in Health-Related Field
Audio and Video
Short Description:
Cloé Madanes (2009) Strategic Therapy with a Couple demonstrates with a young couple who is conflicted about holiday celebrations and vacations. The husband has wounds from his past that resonate with family holidays. He also wants to be more a part of his wife “inner circle” with her son from a previous marriage and vacations challenge him in this area. Madanes uses humor, insight and emotional connection to guide the couple to an accepting compromise.

Average Rating:
Not yet rated
Topic Areas:
Clinical Demonstrations |  Psychotherapy |  Relationships |  Mindfulness |  Neurobiology
Pioneers of Psychotherapy Bundle
Pioneers of Psychotherapy |  Evolution of Psychotherapy |  Evolution of Psychotherapy 2009
Course Levels:
Master Degree or Higher in Health-Related Field
Audio and Video
Short Description:
Daniel Siegel (2009) Mindsight and Integration in the Cultivation of Well-Being demonstrates interpersonal neurobiology therapy with a volunteer studying to be a therapist. She has experienced fear in one clinical setting and has also been “the glue,” holding together her family since she was young. Siegel uses the triangle of relationship/ mind/brain to help the volunteer experience her fear of responsibility by allowing images and body sensations to flow to “soften the mind.”

Average Rating:
Not yet rated
Topic Areas:
Clinical Demonstrations |  Gestalt |  Humor |  Aging and Mortality |  Psychotherapy
Pioneers of Psychotherapy Bundle
Pioneers of Psychotherapy |  Evolution of Psychotherapy |  Evolution of Psychotherapy 1995
Course Levels:
Master Degree or Higher in Health-Related Field
Audio and Video
Short Description:
Erving Polster (1995) demonstrates with Delisa, who is troubled by her work with geriatric patients. Polster leads Delisa quickly and deeply into her own fears of death and loss. Polster jokes, confronts, and directs Delisa into a greater self-awareness. Following the demonstration Polster explains his work and addresses questions.

Average Rating:
Not yet rated
Topic Areas:
Clinical Demonstrations |  Mind-Body |  Neuroscience |  Psychotherapy |  Hypnotic Phenomena
Pioneers of Psychotherapy Bundle
Pioneers of Psychotherapy |  Erickson Congress |  Erickson Congress 1992
Course Levels:
Master Degree or Higher in Health-Related Field
Audio and Video
Short Description:
Rossi (1992) demonstrates his approach to mind-body healing while working with a volunteer, Jennifer, who has rheumatoid arthristis in her hands, which have become distorted and painful. Rossi explains that mind-body healing follows a predictable pattern. During the final phase of this approach, Jennifer begins to experience automatic movement in her hands. She exclaims that her hands are moving more freely than they have in the last five years. Rossi attributes the success to "a genuine moment of self-empowerment."

Average Rating:
Not yet rated
Topic Areas:
Clinical Demonstrations |  Trauma |  Psychotherapy |  Focusing |  Mind-Body
Pioneers of Psychotherapy Bundle
Pioneers of Psychotherapy |  Evolution of Psychotherapy |  Evolution of Psychotherapy 2000
Course Levels:
Master Degree or Higher in Health-Related Field
Audio and Video
Short Description:
Eugene Gendlin (2000) demonstrates with two volunteers. The first is guided through feelings of tension in her shoulders and shakiness in her stomach. Gendlin conducts a second demonstration. The next volunteer presents the trauma of a hysterectomy due to cancer. Gendlin concludes with an explanation of his method.

Average Rating:
Not yet rated
Topic Areas:
Clinical Demonstrations |  Psychotherapy |  Divorce |  Marriage
Pioneers of Psychotherapy Bundle
Pioneers of Psychotherapy |  Evolution of Psychotherapy |  Evolution of Psychotherapy 2000
Course Levels:
Master Degree or Higher in Health-Related Field
Audio and Video
Short Description:
James Bugental (2000) explains the importance of focusing on immediate subjective experiences. Bugental works with Glenda who is experiencing deep guilt about an upcoming divorce. Bugental addresses questions from the audience. A second volunteer explores issues surrounding her recent career change. Bugental explains his approach and answers questions.

Average Rating:
Not yet rated
Topic Areas:
Clinical Demonstrations |  Psychotherapy |  Interviewing |  Resistance |  Therapist Development
Pioneers of Psychotherapy Bundle
Pioneers of Psychotherapy |  Evolution of Psychotherapy |  Evolution of Psychotherapy 1990
Course Levels:
Master Degree or Higher in Health-Related Field
Audio and Video
Short Description:
Bugental (1990) provides two demonstrations. First, Bugental works with Molly, an associate who is familiar with this approach at an advanced level. Next he works with a naïve client, demonstrating what therapy might look like on the first visit. After each session, Bugental and his client reflect upon his methods.

Average Rating:
Not yet rated
Topic Areas:
Clinical Demonstrations |  Meditation, Spirituality and Yoga |  Psychotherapy |  Interviewing
Pioneers of Psychotherapy Bundle
Pioneers of Psychotherapy |  Evolution of Psychotherapy |  Evolution of Psychotherapy 2009
Course Levels:
Master Degree or Higher in Health-Related Field
Audio and Video
Short Description:
James Hillman (2009) Hillman reveals how to bring “soul talk” back into modern psychotherapy. The case history of a client is the diagnosis, present complaint, family history, employment history, but nothing of the “soul” of the person. Dr. Hillman assures us that we can almost ignore the case history. Using “soul” talk (Longings, dreams, secrets, how a client accepts joy and sorrow) takes the session out of the box and returns a resonance to psychotherapy that it has lost.

Average Rating:
Not yet rated
Topic Areas:
Clinical Demonstrations |  Dreamwork |  Gottman Method |  Psychotherapy
Pioneers of Psychotherapy Bundle
Pioneers of Psychotherapy |  Evolution of Psychotherapy |  Evolution of Psychotherapy 2005
Course Levels:
Master Degree or Higher in Health-Related Field
Audio and Video
Short Description:
John Gottman and Julie Gottman (2005) demonstrate through role-playing the ways therapists can break a couples’ gridlock due to conflict. Through an intervention of “dreams within the conflict,” therapists are shown how to help couples be more open for dialogue in order to successfully compromise on unresolvable issues.

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