The first Evolution Conference in 1985 was a celebration of the 100th birthday of psychotherapy; historians indicated that psychotherapy began in 1885 when Freud became interested in the psychological aspects of medicine. That Conference, covered by The New York Times, Los Angeles Times, and Time magazine, was tabbed “the Woodstock of Psychotherapy,” and drew 7,200 attendees. It sold out three months in advance.
Over the years the faculty members have used the Conference to share ideas, promote convergence, and highlight unifying principles that guide effective clinical work. The Conference itself has evolved, becoming more clinical—organized around practice-oriented workshops, and offering interactive events. Earlier Conferences were more academic, with printed proceedings. But the theme of consilience still predominates— let’s underscore the commonalities of successful clinical work.
Below you can find our collection of recordings from all the previous Evolution of Psychotherapy conferences.
Each year has links to available recordings, detailed speaker information, a digital version of the original syllabus and more.
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