Held December 7-11, 2005 in Anaheim, CA
The Milton H. Erickson Foundation organized the first Evolution of Psychotherapy Conference in 1985 in Phoenix. It was hailed as a landmark conference in the history of psychotherapy. Faculty included Beck, the late Bruno Bettleheim, the late Murray Bowen, Ellis, M. Goulding, the late Robert Goulding, Haley, the late Ronald D. Laing, Lazarus, Madanes, Marmor, Masterson, the late Rollo May, Minuchin, Moreno, E. Polster, the late Miriam Polster, the late Carl Rogers, Rossi, the late Virginia Satir, Szasz, Watzlawick, the late Carl Whitaker, the late Lewis Walberg, the late Joseph Wolpe and Zeig.
This conference was repeated in 1990 in Anaheim, Calif., with a similar faculty including Bugental, Glasser, Hillman, the late Helen Singer Kaplan, Lowen, Meichenbaum and the late Mara Selvini Palazzoli. Keynote addresses were given by the late Viktor Frankl and Betty Friedan.
The Erickson Foundation jointly sponsored the European Evolution of Psychotherapy Conference, July 27-31, 1994, in Hamburg, Germany. This Conference offered a faculty similar to previous Evolution meetings with the addition of Frankl, Gendlin, Grawe, Kernberg, Meyer, Stierlin and Yalom.
The December 1995 Evolution of Psychotherapy Conference was held in Las Vegas, Nev., and featured the same faculty. Gloria Steinem offered the keynote address. The Evolution of Psychotherapy Conference returned to Anaheim, Calif. for the May 2000 Conference. Keynotes were given by Elliot Aronson and Herbert Benson.
Below is a listing of all our recordings from the 2005 Evolution of Psychotherapy.
Tags: Communication Imago Psychotherapy
Tags: Psychotherapy Relationships
Tags: Psychotherapy
Tags: Psychotherapy
Tags: James Hillman Psychotherapy
Tags: Psychotherapy William Glasser
Tags: Psychotherapy
Tags: Psychotherapy
Tags: Psychotherapy
Tags: Albert Ellis Psychotherapy
Tags: Psychotherapy Thomas Szasz
Tags: Psychotherapy
Tags: James Masterson Psychotherapy
Tags: Psychotherapy
Tags: Goulding Psychotherapy
Tags: Erving Polster Psychotherapy
Tags: Ernest Rossi Psychotherapy
Tags: Psychotherapy
Tags: Mindfulness Psychotherapy
Tags: Psychotherapy Arnold Lazarus
Tags: Psychotherapy
Tags: Consciousness Psychotherapy