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Couples Conference 2020

Due to the outbreak of the COVID pandemic in 2020, the Couples Conference underwent some major changes. The conference was not held in its entirety. In lieu of a full conference, the Erickson Foundation and The Couples Institute provided a 4 hour online webinar that touched on each subject of the Couples Conference.

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The Couples 2020 Recording

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Topic Areas:
Couples Conference 2022
Couples Conference |  Couples Conference 2020
Stan Tatkin, PsyD, MFT
Audio and Video
Original Program Date:
Jun 25, 2022
Short Description:
The empty chair psychodrama was first made popular by Fritz Perls, founder of Gestalt therapy. It has since been adapted into Redecision Therapy, The Developmental Model, Voice Dialogue, Family Constellation, and even Cognitive-Behavioral therapy. PACT has adapted this approach for use within the couple session when consistent projection or projective identification processes impede the forward development of one or both partners. This particular technique uses Self and Object Relations theory to capture real time archaic self and object representations that maintain an ego syntonic, regressed relationship with one (or more) original caregiver(s). The psychodrama provides an opportunity for the couple therapist to bring this maladaptive early relationship to light and to make strides toward ego dystonic rejection of the regressive behavior.
$59.00 - Base Price

Credit available - Click Here for more information

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Topic Areas:
Couples Therapy |  Conflict |  Developmental Therapy Model |  IMAGO |  Infidelity |  LGBTQ |  Relational Life Therapy Model (RLT) |  Relationships |  Sex and Sexuality
Couples Conference |  Couples Conference 2020 |  Online Continuing Education
Ellyn Bader, PhD |  Joseph Winn, MSW, LICSW, CST-S |  Terry Real, LICSW |  Harville Hendrix, PhD |  Helen LaKelly Hunt, PhD |  Martha Kauppi, MS MFT |  Stan Tatkin, PsyD, MFT |  ....
4 Hours
Audio and Video
Original Program Date:
Apr 03, 2020
Short Description:
A streaming option in place of the Couples Conference 2020 4 hour event. This recording provides a comprehensive cross-section of a variety of approaches to couples therapy, including specific therapeutic models, discussions on sexual desire discrepancies, working with resistance in the therapy room and more.
$29.00 - Base Price

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