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CC11 Keynote 05 – Dreams Within Conflict: The Gottman Method Approach to Gridlocked Perpetual Conflict - Julie Gottman, PhD

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Topic Areas:
Keynotes |  Couples Therapy |  Dreamwork |  Gottman Method |  Conflict
Couples Conference |  Couples Conference 2011
Julie Gottman, PhD
Audio Only
Original Program Date:
Apr 03, 2011
Never Expires.



Gridlocked perpetual conflicts often destroy relationships. They repeatedly surface, causing partners endless pain, fear, even trauma. Yet every couple faces them. In this address, Dr. Julie Gottman describes a dyadic therapy method that uncloaks the dreams, history and fears beneath partners’ issues while fostering greater compassion and connection in the couple. An edited film will be shown to demonstrate this intervention.

Educational Objectives:

  1. Describe the Sound Relationship House Theory and the research that supports it.
  2. Explain and demonstrate a key intervention of Gottman Method Couples Therapy.

*Sessions may be edited for content and to preserve confidentiality*



Julie Gottman, PhD's Profile

Julie Gottman, PhD Related Seminars and Products

Julie Gottman, PhD, is the co-founder and President of The Gottman Institute, and Clinical Supervisor for the Couples Together Against Violence study. A highly respected clinical psychologist, she is sought internationally by media and organizations as an expert adviser on marriage, sexual harassment and rape, domestic violence, gay and lesbian adoption, same-sex marriage, and parenting issues. She is the co-creator of the immensely popular The Art and Science of Love weekend workshops for couples, and she also co-designed the national clinical training program in Gottman Couples Therapy.
