In questa drammatica ricostruzione dei momenti chiave del corso biennale di terapia con David C., un paziente di 31 anni indirizzato dal suo medico, il terapista pionieristico James F. Masterson dimostra - per la prima volta - come diagnosticare e trattare uno dei non ancora classificati nel sistema DSM, questo disturbo, mostra chiaramente Masterson, troppo spesso si presenta come un caso intrattabile di disturbo borderline di personalità.
What if our therapeutic goals of improving self-esteem, developing a stable and coherent sense of self, and expressing our authentic feelings all turn out to be misguided? What if they inadvertently feed the cultural enthusiasm for celebrity and success that makes so many of us miserable? This presentation will examine how mindfulness practices can be harnessed in psychotherapy to reexamine our conventional sense of self, leading both us and our clients toward greater well-being, wisdom, and compassion.
$29.00Base Price - $59.00 Sale is $29.00price reduced from Base Price - $59.00
For decades, psychoanalytic models of individual therapy were retrofitted into marital treatment models. These approaches tended to be ineffective with character disordered partners. With the recent emergence of polytheoretical, psychobiological approaches to couple therapy, the clinician can now be more effective with character disordered partners. This two hour workshop will help clinicians differentiate between those partners who are psychoneurotic, insecurely attached, or undifferentiated, a
This workshop will describe the various clinical syndromes reflecting narcissistic personality disorders, and the corresponding prognostic indicators for psychodynamic psychotherapy. The typical transference developments of these patients will be outlined, and corresponding technical interventions described. The relevance for the love life of these patients will be explored and treatment implications described.
Couples come to therapy saying “we can’t communicate.” It sounds simple. Yet what does this really mean? Closer examination often reveals trauma, chronic hostility, narcissistic entitlement, or long-term conflict avoidance. And resolution requires internal self-development that may be resisted by one or both partners. This advanced workshop will use video segments to demonstrate the intricacies of resolving predictable communication breakdowns and supporting couples development.
Dr. Kernberg will present prognostically unfavorable indications for a psychodynamic psychotherapy of narcissistic patients, and the management of the corresponding difficulties. The description of general characteristics of narcissistic personality disorder, clinical syndromes including the diagnosis, and general principles of psychodynamic therapy for them will compliment this presentation.
Comparisons have been made between severe avoidant attachment and disorders of the self such as antisocial personality, schizoid personality, and narcissistic personality. Each of these disorders, including avoidant attachment, can be grouped together as one-person psychological organizations in that they operate outside of a truly interactive dyadic system, and primarily rely upon themselves for stimulation and calming via auto-regulation. The chronic need for “alone time” can take many surprising forms throughout the lifespan, directly impacting romantic relationships.
This introduction to a developmental-psychobiological approach for working with personality disordered couples will provide attendees with a powerful new method that continues to show good success. This approach focuses on a two-person psychobiological model using attachment, developmental neuroscience and arousal regulation, and moves the clinician from a conflict-content model to a deficit process model focusing on real-time enactments of dysregulation.
Dealing with narcissistic and borderline defenses that block healthy relating can be quite challenging when dealing with couples. This short course will address ways to creatively apply core aspects of Rossi's mind-body approach to develop treatment plans and interventions that can facilitate the containment of these defenses and help reorganize the dynamics of the couple system. The integration of the psychodynamic system and cognitive behavioral perspectives will be addresses throughout the course.
Indications and contraindications for supportive and psychodynamic approaches to pathological narcissism will be outlined. Essential techniques of these modalities for narcissistic patients will be described, and alternative approaches examined.
$29.00Base Price - $59.00 Sale is $29.00price reduced from Base Price - $59.00