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Topic Areas:
Workshops |  Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) |  Psychotherapy |  Relationships
Evolution of Psychotherapy |  Evolution of Psychotherapy 1990
Albert Ellis, PhD
2 Hours 31 Minutes
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Original Program Date:
Dec 15, 1990
Short Description:
This workshop will present cognitive, experiential, and behavioral techniques for helping men and women to realize more of their human potential. There will be special emphasis on personal and work-related male/female relationships and on how to deal with negative reactions to "out of role'' behavior, such as women's assertiveness and men's expressions of intimacy. Live demonstrations will be offered.
$15.00 - Base Price

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Average Rating:
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Topic Areas:
Workshops |  Dreamwork |  Sex and Sexuality |  Couples Therapy |  Psychotherapy
Evolution of Psychotherapy |  Evolution of Psychotherapy 1990
Helen Singer Kaplan, MD, PhD
1 Hour 42 Minutes
Audio Only
Original Program Date:
Dec 15, 1990
Short Description:
Two cases in which dream work played important roles will be presented and illustrated with videotaped sessions. The first is a case of a young single man with premature ejaculation, wherein the active, psychodynamic use of dream work "broke through'' the patient's intense resistance. The other is that of a married man with primary retarded ejaculations in which dreams were used to guide the behavioral aspects of therapy.
$15.00 - Base Price

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Average Rating:
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Topic Areas:
Workshops |  Reality Therapy |  Psychotherapy
Evolution of Psychotherapy |  Evolution of Psychotherapy 1990
William Glasser, MD
2 Hours 48 Minutes
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Original Program Date:
Dec 15, 1990
Short Description:
Control theory, which is a new theory of how all living organisms function, will be explained. Discussion will show how this theory supports Reality Therapy and how Reality Therapy is enhanced by the knowledge of this theory.
$15.00 - Base Price

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Average Rating:
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Topic Areas:
Workshops |  Psychotherapy |  Supervision
Evolution of Psychotherapy |  Evolution of Psychotherapy 1990
James Bugental, PhD
2 Hours 39 Minutes
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Original Program Date:
Dec 15, 1990
Short Description:
Therapists learning depth psychotherapy (extending several years) make a greater personal commitment than in other forms of therapy. Supervision of this work requires attention to the therapist's subjective experience as well as to procedures and conceptual perspectives. This workshop will include direct teaching, unrehearsed demonstration with an actual supervisee, and candid feedback from supervisee and supervisor.
$15.00 - Base Price

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Average Rating:
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Topic Areas:
Topical Panels |  Humor |  Psychotherapy |  Therapist Development
Evolution of Psychotherapy |  Evolution of Psychotherapy 1990
Arnold Lazarus, Ph.D. |  Miriam Polster |  Carl Whitaker, MD |  Cloe Madanes, HDL, LIC
58 Minutes
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Original Program Date:
Dec 15, 1990
Short Description:
Topical Panel 10 from the Evolution of Psychotherapy 1990 - Therapeutic Uses of Humor Featuring Arnold Lazarus, PhD; Miriam Polster, PhD; Carl Whitaker, MD; Cloe Madanes, Lic Psychol. Moderated by Michael Yapko, PhD.
$15.00 - Base Price

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Average Rating:
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Topic Areas:
Topical Panels |  Transference / Countertransference |  Therapist Development
Evolution of Psychotherapy |  Evolution of Psychotherapy 1990
Alexander Lowen, MD |  James F. Masterson, MD |  Rollo May, PhD |  Erving Polster, PhD
1 Hour
Audio Only
Original Program Date:
Dec 15, 1990
Short Description:
Topical Panel 11 from the Evolution of Psychotherapy 1990 - Transference / Countertransference ​Featuring Alexander Lowen, MD; James Masterson, MD; Rollo May, PhD; and Erving Polster, PhD. Moderated by Ruth McClendon, MSW.
$15.00 - Base Price

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Average Rating:
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Topic Areas:
Topical Panels |  Psychotherapy
Evolution of Psychotherapy |  Evolution of Psychotherapy 1990
Mary Goulding, MSW |  Jay Haley, MA |  Salvador Minuchin, MD |  Thomas Szasz, MD
1 Hour 2 Minutes
Audio Only
Original Program Date:
Dec 15, 1990
Short Description:
Topical Panel 12 from the Evolution of Psychotherapy 1990 - Therapy and Social Control Featuring Mary Goulding, MSW; Jay Haley, MA; Salvador Minuchin, MD; and Thomas Szasz, MD. Moderated by Stephen Gilligan, PhD.
$15.00 - Base Price

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Audio Stream

Average Rating:
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Topic Areas:
Invited Addresses |  Reality Therapy |  History of Psychotherapy |  Psychotherapy
Evolution of Psychotherapy |  Evolution of Psychotherapy 1990
William Glasser, MD |  Jeffrey Zeig, PhD
1 Hour 28 Minutes
Audio Only
Original Program Date:
Dec 15, 1990
Short Description:
This address includes a brief history of Reality Therapy, and explains that it is based on control theory and that it is applied to both counseling and managing clients. Case examples are used to show that it is composed of two major components: Creating the counseling environment and the procedures that lead to change.
$15.00 - Base Price

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Audio Stream

Average Rating:
Not yet rated
Topic Areas:
Invited Addresses |  Couples Therapy |  Sex and Sexuality |  Interviewing |  Therapist Development |  Treatment Planning
Evolution of Psychotherapy |  Evolution of Psychotherapy 1990
Helen Singer Kaplan, MD, PhD |  Joseph Wolpe, M.D.
1 Hour
Audio Only
Original Program Date:
Dec 15, 1990
Short Description:
The evaluation is the single most important clinical task of therapists who work with sexual problems. That is because accurate assessment is the key to successful treatment, and many unnecessary therapy failures can be traced to inadequate evaluation procedures and to the failure of the therapist to elicit pertinent information. Traditional psychological and psychiatric examinations, which emphasize the childhood roots of sexual problems are not adequate for evaluating sexual disorders. Dr. Kaplan will demonstrate her method of evaluation, which focuses on the patient's or couple's current sexual behavior and experience. This, together with historic information, provides the information required for understanding the dynamics of the dysfunction and for formulating a rational treatment plan.
$15.00 - Base Price

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Average Rating:
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Topic Areas:
Invited Addresses |  Addiction |  Community |  Social Issues |  Psychotherapy
Evolution of Psychotherapy |  Evolution of Psychotherapy 1990
Thomas Szasz, MD |  Rollo May, PhD
1 Hour 20 Minutes
Audio Only
Original Program Date:
Dec 15, 1990
Short Description:
Dr. Szasz will present a brief historical review of drug controls in the United States; a critical analysis of the transformation of the trade in drugs from a free market at the beginning of the century to a tightly statist system of controls today; and a market-oriented analysis of the "drug problem."
$15.00 - Base Price

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