A personality disorder is a way of thinking, feeling and behaving that deviates from the expectations of the culture, causes distress or problems functioning, and lasts over time. They can consist of any in a group of disorders involving pervasive patterns of perceiving, relating to, and thinking about the environment and the self that interfere with long-term functioning of the individual and are not limited to isolated episodes.
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) refers to a neurodevelopment disorder that is characterized by difficulties with social communication and social interaction and restricted and repetitive patterns in behaviors, interests, and activities. Autism occurs in all racial and ethnic groups, as well as across every socioeconomic status level. It has been found that males are generally more susceptible to this condition than females.
Borderline personality disorder is characterized by a long-standing pattern of instability in mood, interpersonal relationships, and self-image that is severe enough to cause distress or interfere with day-to-day functioning. Among the manifestations of this disorder are self-harm, substance abuse, gambling, unstable relationships; uncontrollable temper; uncertainty about self-image or goals; and chronic feelings of emptiness and boredom.
Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a form of psychological treatment that has been often been used to help borderline personality disorder and depression. Numerous research studies suggest that CBT leads to significant improvement in functioning and quality of life. In many studies, CBT has been demonstrated to be as effective as, or more effective than, other forms of psychological therapy or psychiatric medications.
Dialectical behavior therapy is an evidence-based psychotherapy that began with efforts to treat personality disorders, and interpersonal conflicts. There is evidence that DBT can be useful in treating mood disorders, suicidal ideation, and for change in behavioral patterns such as self-harm and substance use.
Narcissism is a self-centered personality style characterized as having an excessive interest in one's physical appearance and an excessive pre-occupation with one's own needs, often at the expense of others. It is human nature to be selfish and boastful to a certain degree. There is a significant difference between healthy narcissism, being self-absorbed and difficult and having a pathological mental illness like narcissistic personality disorder.
Obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD) is a mental and behavioral disorder in which an individual has intrusive thoughts and/or feels the need to perform certain routines repeatedly to the extent where it induces distress or impairs general function. Obsessions are persistent unwanted thoughts, mental images, or urges that generate feelings of anxiety, disgust, or discomfort.
Psychoanalysis is a set of theories and therapeutic techniques that deal in part with the unconscious mind, and which together form a method of treatment for various personality and mental disorders. Psychoanalysis was established in the early 1890s by Austrian neurologist Sigmund Freud, who developed the practice from his theoretical model of personality organization and development, psychoanalytic theory.