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CC11 Workshop 10 – The Hostile/Angry Couple - Ellyn Bader, PhD

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Topic Areas:
Workshops |  Anger |  Couples Therapy |  Intimacy |  Passive-Aggressiveness
Couples Conference |  Couples Conference 2011
Ellyn Bader, PhD
Audio Only
Original Program Date:
Apr 02, 2011
Never Expires.



Overtly angry and passive-aggressive partners often present the most difficulty for therapists. They frequently demand intimacy, while being unable to create the conditions for intimacy to occur or be sustained. They require a high level of activity from you to structure treatment, manage hostility in the office and confront hypocrisies that keep their development stalled. Learn to increase your personal strengths to harness the enormous developmental potential that exists in these couples.

Educational Objectives:

  1. Develop 5 Core Competencies for effectively managing angry, fighting couples.
  2. Confront Paradoxes and Hypocrisies that support regression and maintain negative cycles.

*Sessions may be edited for content and to preserve confidentiality*



Ellyn Bader, PhD's Profile

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Ellyn Bader, PhD, is a founder and director of The Couples Institute in Menlo Park, California. As a clinical psychologist, workshop leader, author, and speaker, she is dedicated to helping couples create extraordinary relationships. Over the past 30 years she has trained therapists in couples therapy throughout the United States as well as Europe, Asia, South America, and Australia. She served as a Clinical Faculty in Stanford University School of Medicine for 8 years.
