Physical and psychological recovery is an important concern for patients having had weight loss surgery or other significant body altering events. This workshop will focus on the physical and emotional experience of body dysmorphia, that is not “seeing” oneself as others do. We will address how brief mind-body approaches can aid in resolving these conditions and enhance lasting recovery. Methods will include counseling, social support, massage, yoga, martial arts, and exercise. With Carolyn Sauer and Marc Oster.
Simulated role-play demonstrations, the focus of this session, illustrate the re-invented use of the WDEP system of reality therapy. A brief explanation of how reality therapy embraces principles of suggestion, reorientation and utilization precedes a brief overview of human motivation and how the WDEP system interfaces with Ericksonian Principles. Participants will gain practical ideas immediately useful on the job. Handouts suitable for photocopying will be provided.
Milton Erickson said, “Change first then insight.” Too often therapists try to produce change by giving clients insight into their problems expecting to produce results. This approach reduces effectiveness as it overestimates the power of the conscious mind while neglecting and underestimating the unconscious mind’s role in the healing process.
The language a therapist uses to conceptualize and treat a problem determines whether or not that problem can be resolved effectively. Plato’s story of the cave, where the inhabitants see only shadows, is a useful metaphor for how the language of therapy can generate either confusion or clarity. The workshop will teach a method of effectively treating severe problems of children and adolescents, using an invariant opening question, strategic dialogue and metaphorical techniques.
This workshop will present seven ingredients to draw from depressed patients in order to help them to find the harmony they need to start uplifting their lives. The ingredients are Hope, Awareness, Resiliency, Morality, Opportunity, Niceness and Yearning. Combined together, these ingredients are the leavening for a better future.
Milton H. Erickson, MD, understood that “the conscious (thinking) mind doesn’t do much of anything of much significance…while the unconscious mind is an infinite storehouse of dreams, potentials, and solutions…” This workshop will teach a brief, solution focused, strategic, and hypnotic approach to anxiety related disorders. Intellectualizing, analyzing, self-criticizing, WHY-ing and WHAT-IF-ing clients will be targeted as participants learn to employ Ericksonian interventions including solution-focused questions, strategic task assignments, and formal/conversational hypnosis via live demonstration, experiential exercise, and case studies.
Footprintings® provides effective, easy to use tools for observing and experiencing Self States and repairing relational issues between them. Using color Footprints to diagram relationships between Parts, participants can step into different Self States, gaining deeper connection to body experience, affect and cognitive orientation of each State, while healing internal relationships.
Breakthroughs in neuroscience and neurophysiology explain how a mindset can alter what is turned on and turned off in the brain and the body. The work of Siegel, Rossi, Bandura, Aronson & Steele and Deci & Ryan act as pieces of a puzzle that explain why therapy can be disrupted by an imposed mindset and how this “winner/loser world” mindset is an unseen barrier to our more natural, creative, interpersonal process. A new, simple brief therapy is presented for lasting, transformational change.
For centuries, clinicians have been baffled as to how to achieve healthy outcomes in the treatment of anorexia nervosa. In this workshop, the presenter will describe how she assisted a nine-year-old female soccer player, who experienced disordered eating. The techniques used to facilitate performance, such as goal-setting, mental rehearsal, and positive selftalk, will be explained, as well as unique approaches with Ericksonian hypnosis and imagery. The use of puppetry, which was an adjunct to Parts Therapy, will be demonstrated. With Christine Silverstein.
Clients in pain yearn for sleep; comfort just out of reach. Focus first on establishing soothing sleep and encouraging nocturnal restorative functions. Treating remaining pain stays in the day’s domain. Hypnosis enlists the mind and body’s natural processes, restoring healthy sleep. Strategic protocols combine physiology of sleep and pain management with the client’s own experience. These are further reinforced by self-hypnosis techniques. Program includes demonstration, application of trance script protocols, and case study discussion. With Deborah Beckman.