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Topic Areas:
Short Courses |  Hypnosis
Erickson Congress 2001  |  Erickson Congress
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Short Description:
IC01 Short Course 27 - Curiosity and lgnorance.'A Natural and 'Failsafe" Method ofInducing and Deepening Hypnosis - David Johnson, Grad. Dipl. Appl. Psych. This workshop will introduce the concept of "curiosity and ignorance" as a means by which therapy can be performed in a wide variety of contexts, including:rapport building, shifting the mood of the client, connecting the client with personal resources, highlighting and embedding change, the treatment of pain, and as a seamless and "failsafe" hypnotic induction and deepening technique. Demonstration and experiential exercises will be used.
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Audio Stream

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Topic Areas:
Short Courses |  Self-Esteem |  Couples Therapy |  Metaphors |  Ericksonian Hypnosis and Therapy Techniques |  Relationships
Erickson Congress 2001  |  Erickson Congress
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Short Description:
The various aspects that contribute to low self-esteem in young women having a difficult relationship with their partner are helped with two Ericksonian techniques - - metaphors and symbolization. These aspects include healing emotional wounds, remaining at peace with their partner, learning to love themselves, working with social beliefs, limiting ideas and cultural prejudices and being responsible for their own well-being.
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Audio Stream

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Topic Areas:
Short Courses |  Communication |  Hypnotherapy
Erickson Congress 2001  |  Erickson Congress
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Short Description:
IC01 Short Course 32 - Ericksonian and Educative Hypnotherapy: Communications - Bayard Galvao, Lie. Psychol. What is communication? How does one communicate? How does one achieve an efficient communication? How many types of communication are there? What are the implications of each kind of communication? How can one use communication in psychotherapy and hypnotherapy? how would Erickson use the so-called informal trance and hypnosis? The answers to these questions raise other questions that are relevant; how much can be understood when one understands communication?
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Audio Stream

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Topic Areas:
Short Courses
Erickson Congress 2001  |  Erickson Congress
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IC01 Short Course 33 - Be Happy and Stop Smoking - Francine-Helene Samak, Dipl. Psych. There are many methods to use to stop smoking, so why choose hypnosis? With hypnosis, it is possible to help the client to respect his personality, way of life and his personal reasons which brought him to smoke and now to stop smoking. We will proceed by walking in the shoes of Milton H. Erickson and help people to stop smoking in a unique 5-step session.
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Audio Stream

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Topic Areas:
Short Courses |  Affect |  Ideomotor |  Brief Therapy
Erickson Congress 2001  |  Erickson Congress
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Short Description:
This workshop presents a structured protocol for resolving repressed, suppressed or otherwise dated affect using ideomotor questioning. Essential to this model is a progressive ratification series that addresses affect, cognition and behavior. A questioning tree illustrates a Socratic means of affect inquiry. This non-invasive, brief procedure is a useful adjunct to other treatment modalities and instrumental in clarifying the focus of treatment.
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Audio Stream

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Topic Areas:
Short Courses
Erickson Congress 2001  |  Erickson Congress
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Short Description:
IC01 Short Course 15 - Moving beyond victimization - Les Blandino, Jr., LPC, LMFT The Madanes apology process is an active, respectful and humane approach, which helps those traumatized by such family injustices as violence and incest begin to heal. Workshop participants will witness how these powerful interventions have been used with actual cases. Examples include work with the victim, victimizer, parents and other family members.
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Audio Stream

Average Rating:
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Topic Areas:
Short Courses |  Strategic Therapy |  Language of Hypnosis |  Therapist Development
Erickson Congress 2001  |  Erickson Congress
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Short Description:
IC01 Short Course 16 - Advanced Strategic Therapy for Beginners: Therapy in the Language Experience of Human Beings - Donald Miretsky, MEd, CPC This short course will teach advanced conceptualization and technique by summarizing it in the language experience of human beings. This means teaching a four-step approach incorporating everyday language, common sense concepts and humor so beginners as well as experienced therapists can learn and apply the skills. This approach is demonstrated by case and video presentation of severely disordered children.
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Audio Stream

Average Rating:
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Topic Areas:
Short Courses
Erickson Congress 2001  |  Erickson Congress
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Short Description:
IC01 Short Course 17 - The Oral Tradition: An Ericksonian Framework - John Parke, PsyD This short course will introduce participants to a new framework for Ericksonian therapy drawn from studies of oral tradition cultures. Members of oral cultures communicate in a style that is similar to the way Milton H. Erickson performed psychotherapy. This course will introduce participants to the patterns and habits of oral traditional communication and draw parallels to Ericksonian work. The workshop includes a storytelling exercise.
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Audio Stream

Average Rating:
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Topic Areas:
Short Courses
Erickson Congress 2001  |  Erickson Congress
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Short Description:
IC01 Short Course 18 - The Client's Inner Guide as Mentor and Co-Therapist - Noelle Poncelet, PhD Life-threatening addictions and diseases often open clients to welcome an inner guide in their lives. Clinical cases reveal this guide as companion, parent, mentor and co-therapist and illustrates the impact of their reparative relationship on clients' healing and recovery. Addressed in this course are induction, anchoring and post-hypnotic methods. A hypnotic encounter/ reunion with such a guide will be demonstrated.
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Audio Stream

Average Rating:
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Topic Areas:
Short Courses
Erickson Congress 2001  |  Erickson Congress
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Short Description:
IC01 Short Course 19 - Adolescent Groups: The Challenge of Enchanting and Unbalancing - Sian Segal, PhD This workshop describes a framework for working with groups of adolescents to elicit their untapped competencies by providing a safe context for experimenting with new ways of relating to themselves and others.
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