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The Anatomy of Experiential Impact through Ericksonian Psychotherapy

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Topic Areas:
Ericksonian Psychotherapy |  Psychotherapy |  Experiential Therapy
Jeffrey Zeig, PhD
The Milton H. Erickson Foundation Press
Number of Pages:
Never Expires.



The Anatomy of Experiential Impact is the second volume of the series, and can be read independently of the other books in the series. The first volume, The Induction of Hypnosis (2014), presented Dr. Zeig’s model of hypnosis. The third, Psychoaerobics (2015), presented an experiential method of therapist development. In this book, you will encounter a model of brief therapy that can be applied independent of your preferred model of therapy. Change in therapy is best elicited by the experiences people live, not the information they receive. Hypnosis is fundamentally an experiential method, the imperative of which is, “By living this experience, you can reclaim your ability to change or cope adequately.” The Anatomy of Experiential Impact Through Ericksonian Psychotherapy promotes experiential methods that are derived from a hypnotic orientation, offering a stepwise plan for creating an experientially based brief therapy.

2018 / 286 pages  / 6 x 9 / Paperbound / Illustrated / ISBN  978-11932248-86-9 / $27.95



Jeffrey Zeig, PhD's Profile

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Jeffrey K. Zeig, PhD, is the Founder and Director of the Milton H. Erickson Foundation and is president of Zeig, Tucker & Theisen, Inc., publishers in the behavioral sciences. He has edited, co-edited, authored or coauthored more than 20 books on psychotherapy that appear in twelve foreign languages. Dr. Zeig is a psychologist and marriage and family therapist in private practice in Phoenix, Arizona. 
