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IC11 Workshop 25 - Utilization of Burnout-and-Exhaustion - "Trances" for Optimal Individual Life-Balance and for Organizations - Hypnosystemic Strategies - Gunther Schmidt, MD, MA

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Topic Areas:
Trance |  Workshops |  Utilization |  Burnout |  Depression
Erickson Congress |  Erickson Congress 2011
Gunther Schmidt, MD, MA
59 Minutes
Audio Only
Original Program Date:
Dec 07, 2011
Never Expires.



The number of burnout-syndromes and associated depressive reactions is increasing tremendously. In postmodern global business situations many people have so many tasks at the same time that it is to-tally impossible to fulfill them. At the same time especially people with high achievement standards and intensive loyalty attitudes try to fulfill them all and finally get frustrating insufficient results compared to these perfectionistic goals. This induces very often very destructive inner process, increasing inner pres-sure, involuntary self- devaluating activities and dangerous psychophysiological processes with the ex-perience of incompetence and helplessness. In the workshop it will be shown (theoretically and practically) how with hypnosystemic and Ericksonian strategies the underlying value systems and patterns can be utilized  as hidden systemic competences and can be transformed into helpful abilities to create fulfilling life- balance and for meaningful and rewarding relationships.

Educational Objectives:

  1. Write four diagnostic criteria to identify the burnout syndrome and associated depressive reaction.
  2. List three methods of reframing and utilization of perfectionistic attitudes and burnout drivers.
  3. Describe four techniques for working with double bind situations, ambivalence pat-terns and stress- inducing environments.

*Sessions may be edited for content and to preserve confidentiality*



Gunther Schmidt, MD, MA's Profile

Gunther Schmidt, MD, MA Related Seminars and Products

Gunther Schmidt, MD, MA, is the director of the Milton H. Erickson Institut Heidelberg and director of the SysTelios Clinic for Psychosomatic Competence, Siedelsbrunn. Dr. Schmidt holds a master’s degree in Economics and is the recipient of the Lifetime Achievement Award from the German Business Training Association. He is a founder, honorary member, and former vice-president (1984-2003) of Milton Erickson Society of Germany, founding member and teaching expert of Systemic Society of Germany, German Society of Systemic Family Therapy, and German Federal Association of Coaching. 
