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IC11 Short Course 48 - How to Deal With Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS): Hypno- and Body-Therapeutic Interventions - Brigitta Loretan-Meier, MS

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Topic Areas:
Short Courses |  Hypnosis |  Mind-Body |  Hypnotherapy |  Anxiety |  Depression |  Eating Disorders
Erickson Congress |  Erickson Congress 2011
Brigitta Loretan-Meier, MS
Audio Only
Original Program Date:
Dec 09, 2011
Never Expires.



Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is one of the most common gastrointestinal disorders. This presentation explains an interdisciplinary approach to dealing with serious problems of IBS-patients. We learn that there are multiple expectations and needs of the clients with a high level of dysfunctional symptoms, as well as multiple stress factors, anxiety and depression. How to regain a better quality of life scores? The importance of focusing the invisible, the affective part of the IBS difficulties is complicated. While setting realistic goals, a new approach leads to body self-regulation with different bodywork techniques and hypnotherapeutic strategies — all focused on completing the vasomotoric stress circle (model of Gerda Boyesen) and unfinished stress cycle (Peter Levine), directed at specific physical, emotional and energetic aspects. Efficacy through therapeutical  intervention: hypnosis and bodywork, breathing work and energetic movement are combined in the “healing” process.

Educational Objectives:

  1. Gain a better understanding of the IBS phenomena with its body and psychic aspects, and the importance of psychotherapeutic interventions, high efficacy with hypnotherapy.
  2. The importance of creativity in the process of finding self-confidence, focus on exploring and utilizing clients resources, and the importance of establishing new ways of self-management and self-regulation in dealing with IBS.

    *Sessions may be edited for content and to preserve confidentiality*

