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IC07 Personal Development Workshop 21 - Hypnotic Erotic: Beyond the Vanilla Therapist – Getting the Kinks Out! - John Edgette, PhD

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Topic Areas:
Workshops |  Sex and Sexuality |  Therapist Development |  LGBTQ |  Belief Systems
Erickson Congress |  Erickson Congress 2007
John Edgette, PsyD
Audio Only
Original Program Date:
Dec 06, 2007
Never Expires.



Therapists who perform marital and sex therapy often become “vanilla-ized” by conservative and moralistic values espoused by the psy- chotherapy industry. Through a series of permissive group inductions attendees will reconnect with their erotic self. They will also engage in future foreplay regarding potential erotic selves. By more fully experiencing the erotic self, therapists will be more effective in working with sexually diverse clients who desire consensual BDSM, kink, fetish, and multi-partner experiences.

Educational Objectives:

  1. To list (privately) two past personal erotic predilections that you would like to experience again.
  2. To list two ways in which openness to your own erotic self will make your sex therapy more effective.

*Sessions may be edited for content and to preserve confidentiality*



John Edgette, PsyD's Profile

John Edgette, PsyD Related Seminars and Products

John Edgette, Psy.D. is nationally renowned psychologist, speaker, and author, with multiple books, multiple book chapters, and dozens of articles in professional journals. 
John is a clinical psychologist licensed in Iowa, Illinois, and Pennsylvania, with the following specialties: brief, solution-focused therapy for individuals, couples, and families; clinical hypnosis; adolescent therapy; behavioral medicine/health psychology; sports and performing arts psychology, sex therapy.
John had been practicing in the Philadelphia area for over two decades, and now have practice in Southeast Iowa, and video conferences around the World. He had faculty appointments at Widener University, Villanova University and Immaculata University, and has written two books.
