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CC08 Workshop 13 - Couples from a Tourist Lens: A Multicultural Approach on Sexuality - Esther Perel, MA, LMFT

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Topic Areas:
Workshops |  Couples Therapy |  Multicultural |  Sex and Sexuality |  Intimacy
Couples Conference |  Couples Conference 2008
Esther Perel, MA, LMFT
Audio Only
Original Program Date:
Apr 27, 2008
Never Expires.



Couples’ expectations about the role of sexuality in intimate relationships have changed dramatically over the past 40 years. We will explore the main ideas of the romantic ideal: how we want our partner to fulfill our needs for connection, belonging and continuity, as well as give the sense of transcendence, mystery and passion. Examining the cultural values of love and respect, freedom and responsibility, and interdependence vs. autonomy, we will map a culturally relevant approach to work with the dilemmas of desire in couples. We also will probe the difference between clearly assigned gender role repartition and the post-feminist egalitarian model.

Educational Objectives:

  1. To describe underlying cultural dynamics that may underlie a couple’s erotic impasse.
  2. Given erotic and emotional stalemates in a couple, describe three ways to help them become more flexible.

*Sessions may be edited for content and to preserve confidentiality*



Esther Perel, MA, LMFT's Profile

Esther Perel, MA, LMFT Related Seminars and Products

Esther Perel, MA, LMFT, is the best-selling author of Mating in Captivity: Unlocking Erotic Intelligence, translated into 25 languages. Fluent in nine of them, the Belgian native is a practicing psychotherapist, celebrated speaker and organizational consultant to Fortune 500 companies. The New York Times, in a cover story, named her the most important game changer on sexuality and relationships since Dr. Ruth. Her critically acclaimed viral TED Talks have collectively reached over 10 million viewers.

