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BT18 Keynote 01 - LatinX Immigrant Resilience in the Midst of Change and Challenges - Patricia Arredondo, EdD

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Brief Therapy Conference |  Brief Therapy Conference 2018 |  Online Continuing Education
Patricia Arredondo, EdD
Audio Only
Original Program Date:
Dec 05, 2018
Never Expires.



Latinx Immigrants in psychotherapy need to be seen from a strength versus deficit perspective. Across generational differences, there are cultural anchors from the family, spirituality and religion, interdependence, and self-determination that lead to achievements in the midst of adversity. The sociopolitical context and structural barriers to documented and undocumented immigrants need to be recognized as factors of oppression, trauma, and discrimination, yet, Latinx persons persevere for their families, and those they left behind. Because of the Latinx relational orientation, therapists can engage through respectful culture-centered, interpersonal approaches.

Educational Objectives:

  1. Discuss Latinx immigrants’ cultural anchors.
  2. Cite the stages of the migration process.  
  3. Identify three culture-centered techniques to apply in therapy with Latinx immigrants.

*Sessions may be edited for content and to preserve confidentiality*



1.0 credits available.

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Patricia Arredondo, EdD's Profile

Patricia Arredondo, EdD Related Seminars and Products

For the past 35 years, Dr. Arredondo has published extensively in the areas of cultural competency models and guidelines, Latinx mental health, and organizational diversity strategy. She has co-authored six books and numerous scholarly articles. Dr. Arredondo is a licensed psychologist and long-term tenured faculty for graduate programs in Clinical Mental Health and Counseling Psychology. She is sought after for keynote presentations and consultations in higher education domestically and internationally. In 2017, she delivered programs with major U.S. universities as well as in Qatar, the Dominican Republic and Guatemala. She is bilingual in English and Spanish. Her doctoral degree in Counseling Psychology is from Boston University. Currently, she is President of the Arredondo Advisory Group and a Visiting Professor at Arizona State University. 
