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BT10 Workshop 25 - Leaving it at the Office: Psychotherapist Self-Care - John C. Norcross, PhD

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Topic Areas:
Workshops |  Brief Therapy |  Self-Care |  Therapist Development
Brief Therapy Conference |  Brief Therapy Conference 2010
John C. Norcross, PhD
Audio Only
Original Program Date:
Dec 10, 2010
Never Expires.



What about you – the therapist? Conducting brief treatment places additional and special burdens on the person of the therapist. This workshop puts the Socratic dicta of “know thyself” and “heal thyself” into practice. We shall focus on 12 selfcare strategies that are clinician-recommended, research-based, and practitioner-tested. Come join us for focused lectures, copious handouts, group demonstrations, thought experiments, and interactive discussions.

Educational Objectives:

  1. Generate at least 6 self-care strategies for psychotherapists supported by the research.
  2. Conduct periodic self-assessments of the effectiveness of their self-care.
  3. List the warning signs that the therapist needs a therapist?   

*Sessions may be edited for content and to preserve confidentiality*



John C. Norcross, PhD's Profile

John C. Norcross, PhD Related Seminars and Products

John C. Norcross, PhD, is an eminent professor, psychologist, and specialist in psychotherapy, behavior change, and self-help.He is Distinguished Professor of Psychology at the University of Scranton and Adjunct Professor of Psychiatry at SUNY Upstate Medical University.[3] He also maintains a part-time practice of clinical psychology in Scranton, Pennsylvania.
