Tags: Mind-Body Pain & Healing Yes Set
Individuals are often referred for mind-body oriented pain management services concerned that the referring physician thinks that their pain is not real or that it is “all in my head”. The way in which such concerns are addressed and the relationship between mind and body is explained to patients will be demonstrated. Further demonstrated will be a seemingly simple relaxation technique that primarily focuses upon diaphragmatic breathing and counting one’s breaths as an initial focus, with patients then invited to go, if they choose, somewhere in their mind that they enjoy being. Multiple ways in which a “yes set” is established will be illustrated. Interspersed throughout the process will be multiple suggestions for deepening, relaxation, pain reduction, self-efficacy, affect regulation, and the accessing of positive state dependent memory and experience. An emphasis upon reducing associated affective distress, as opposed to the degree that pain is reduced, will also be presented.
Educational Objectives:
*Sessions may be edited for content and to preserve confidentiality*