EP20 Highlights
Evolution of Psychotherapy 2020

Didn't get a chance to attend the Evolution of Psychotherapy 2020 Conference? We got you. Here are the 7 most highly rated presentations for your enjoyment, featuring Jeff Zeig, Rob Kapilow, Michael Yapko, Erving Polster, Derald Wing Sue, Martin Seligman, Harriet Lerner, Daniel Siegel and David Burns:
- Keynote 05 - Listening and Impact: What Therapists Can Learn from Music - Jeff Zeig, MD; Rob Kapilow
- At the heart of psychotherapy is the idea that listening to someone is an inherently healing act. Can an understanding of the grammar of music help us better understand the grammar of how patients communicate? Join NPR and PBS commentator Rob Kapilow for a unique exploration inside the language of music to see if it can help us learn to listen.
- Great Conversations 06 - We've Had Antidepressants for Over 30 Years Now: So, How's That Working Out for Us? - Michael Yapko, PhD and Erving Polster, PhD
- Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) is the most common mood disorder on earth and is ranked as the number one cause of suffering and disability worldwide by the World Health Organization (WHO). In this joint presentation, Drs. Polster and Yapko will compare and contrast their viewpoints about depression, the liberal use antidepressant medications, and why good psychotherapy is more important than ever.
- Conversation Hour 04 - Microaggressions and Implicit Bias - Derald Wing Sue, PhD
- Racial microaggressions are brief and commonplace daily verbal, behavioral or environmental indignities, whether intentional or unintentional that communicate hostile, derogatory, or negative racial slights and insults toward People of Color. Suggestions regarding education and training and research in the helping professions are discussed.
- Workshop 29 - Feeling Great: A New, High-Speed Treatment for Depression - David Burns, MD
- Research indicates that therapeutic failure nearly always results from patient resistance that hasn’t been addressed. In this workshop, you will learn how to bring subconscious resistance to conscious awareness and melt it away quickly for faster, better outcomes.
- Keynote 07 - Agency and Positive Psychology - Martin Seligman, PhD
- Join the father of Positive Psychology in this session as we explore the world history of Agency and its relation to the past, present, and future of Positive Psychology, Positive Education, and Positive Psychotherapy. Highlighted concepts will include PERMA, Causal Intervention, Well-being, Future Mindedness, Learned Optimism, and Learned Helplessness, among others.
- Speech 16 - The Secret Life of Shame: Transforming Buried Pain into Clinical Treasure - Harriet Lerner, PhD
- This speech will identify hidden sources of shame, with clinical and theoretical implications for helping our clients find self-regard, voice, and relational courage in the face of shame.
- Workshop 25 - Working with a 3-P Framework of Consciousness in Psychotherapy - Daniel Siegel, MD
- This workshop will explore the findings from a 10,000-person survey of a mind-training practice, the Wheel of Awareness, and how they can inform an understanding of the mind, mental health, and the transformative power of harnessing consciousness in psychotherapy.
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