Utilization is a state of response readiness in which the clinician stands ready to utilize whatever exists in therapeutic situation to advance clinical goals.
Milton Erickson contributed extensively to the health sciences, and many of his innovations have been researched empirically. Erickson was also the architect of the wounded healer used his disabilities to advance the lives of others.
Psychotherapy did not start with Freud. Although largely forgotten, its origins can be directly traced to traditional healing practices (e.g., mesmerism, mind curers, the occult). In the age of science, healing has been reduced to prescriptions for changing people’s thoughts, feelings, behaviors, emotions, or brain chemistry. Lost in translation are the many ways clients’ cultural and spiritual beliefs and practices can, according to research, improve engagement and outcomes.
The panelist will compare and contrast their approaches to working with children and adolescents. Fundamental principles will be offered. Relevant research will be outlined.
Understanding the clients spiritual predilections can be important in helping some clients to achieve therapeutic results. Panelists will discuss how they use spiritual orientations in medical/psychological practice.
Milton Erickson contributed extensively to the health sciences, and many of his innovations have been researched empirically. Erickson was also the architect of the wounded healer used his disabilities to advance the lives of others.