The underlying principles of couples therapy differ from individual therapy for both assessment and treatment. The panelist will discuss and contrast their models.
Clients generally understand what they need but fail to comply with their own directives and those of the therapists. Resistance will be analyzed from three different therapeutic models.
Topical Panel 01 on Schizophrenia featuring Bruno Bettelheim, PhD, Ronald D Laing, MD, Thomas S Szasz, MD, and Carl A Whitaker, MD.
Moderated by Stuart M Gould, Jr, MD.
$29.00Base Price - $59.00 Sale is $29.00price reduced from Base Price - $59.00
Topical Panel 02 on Group, Individual or Family Therapy Part 1 featuring Mary M Goulding, MSW, Virginia Satir, ACSW, Paul Watzlawick, PhD, and Jeffrey K Zeig, PhD.
Moderated by F Theodore Reid, Jr, MD.
Topical Panel 03 on Symptom-Based Approaches versus Growth Facilitation, featuring Murray Bowen, MD, Ernest L Rossi, PhD, Lewis R Wolberg, MD, and Joseph Wolpe, MD.
Moderated by Harold Arkowitz, PhD.
$29.00Base Price - $59.00 Sale is $29.00price reduced from Base Price - $59.00
Topical Panel 04 on Psychotherapy Research, featuring Aaron T Beck, MD, James FT Bugental, PhD, Ernest L Rossi, PhD, and Joseph Wolpe, MD.
Moderated by Larry E Beutler, PhD.
$29.00Base Price - $59.00 Sale is $29.00price reduced from Base Price - $59.00
Topical Panel 06 on Training Psychotherapists Part 1, featuring Robert L Goulding, MD, Arnold A Lazarus, PhD, Erving Polster, PhD, and Lewis R Wolberg, MD.
Moderated by Sharon Cottor, MSW.
$29.00Base Price - $59.00 Sale is $29.00price reduced from Base Price - $59.00