Psychotherapy is at a turning point in the new millennium. We can now draw on the principles of a vast array of sciences, including that of neuroplasticity, to create new approaches to therapeutic interventions that are aimed in specific ways to alter the connections in the brain. Mindsight is the capacity to monitor and modify the internal world. As we help others, and ourselves, to focus attention in specific ways that promote neural integration – to stimulate the linkage of different regions to one another – we can create the fundamental changes in brain structure that underlie therapeutic improvement.Effective psychotherapy can use mindsight to focus attention in ways that promote neural integration and cultivate well-being in body, mind, and relationships.
EP09 Topical Panel 08 – Mindfulness, Trauma, Healing and the Spirit – Bessel van der Kolk, Jack Kornfield, Daniel Siegel, and Francine Shapiro
Educational Objective: To compare and contrast clinical and philosophical perspectives of experts.
There is a vast wisdom describing the capacity for self-transformation and healing central to Buddhist psychology, now a focus of current neuroscience research as well. We will delineate the principles and clinical/therapeutic applications of mindfulness, compassion and forgiveness trainings, attunement, mental health and well being, as well as the profound shift of identity that has parallels in eastern psychology and recent neuroscience research. We will explore the wedding of a spiritual psychology of the heart in tune with clinically sound modern science.
This workshop will show how to detect and modify acceptance, mindfulness and values processes moment to moment in therapy sessions, based primarily on methods drawn from Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). The primary method used will be tape of real clinical sessions, with start and stop discussions.
Can we describe a “healthy mind”? Defining mind as an “embodied and relational process that regulates the flow of energy and information” allows us to move deeply into understanding new ways of seeing the interconnections among brain, interpersonal relationships and the mind. Dr. Siegel outlines strategies to monitor and modify energy and information flow with more clarity and power, and also describes how the concept of integration can serve as an organizing principle that illuminates mindsight, harmony, resilience, and vitality.
$29.00Base Price - $59.00 Sale is $29.00price reduced from Base Price - $59.00
This workshop will link the work in a science of perspective taking to work in mindfulness and acceptance-based psychotherapy, drawing especially on Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. Dr. Hayes will show how perspective taking can rapidly overcome barriers in psychotherapy, and when to deploy these methods.
In this workshop we will explore the principles and practices of Buddhist Psychology, and how mindfulness, compassion and related practices can be applied in clinical and pragmatic ways in the West. Through teachings, case studies, stories and guided trainings, we will learn the positive strengths of these powerful approaches and experience a taste of their benefits.
$29.00Base Price - $59.00 Sale is $29.00price reduced from Base Price - $59.00
In this session we will explore the wise and loving perspectives of Buddhist Psychology. These transformative teachings and practices can awaken in clients and therapists alike an inner capacity for wakefulness, joy, dignity, and compassion—Buddha-nature. Combining practical and clinical examples, teaching stories, and innate wisdom we will consider the heart of healing, love, consciousness and the nature of mind.
$29.00Base Price - $59.00 Sale is $29.00price reduced from Base Price - $59.00
Our relationship with our symptoms has a major influence on the way in which they become expressed. Helping clients to develop the capacity to mindfully reflect on symptoms and explore their potential positive functions or secondary gains can bring about both insight and transformation. This demonstration will present a method show the ability to “hold” symptoms from a state of curiosity and explore their “positive intention” using the generative change approach of engaging multiple intelligences.
$29.00Base Price - $59.00 Sale is $29.00price reduced from Base Price - $59.00