Este video contiene la mejor ilustración de cómo Milton Erickson maneja los casos que se le presentan. Utilizando tanto la hipnoterapia como las directivas estratégicas, Erickson trabaja con una mujer que tiene fobia a volar en un avión. Este caso significativo ejemplifica los principios y prácticas fundamentales de un enfoque ericksoniano. Estos pueden aplicarse a otros problemas que se presenten y ser utilizados por los médicos que se suscriben a otras metodologías de tratamiento para un problema en particular.
Milton Erickson often advised psychotherapy students to study anthropology so that therapy could be provided from the perspective of the cultural background of the client. In the video, Erickson uses his understanding of cultural orientation when working with an adolescent where the presenting problem is a speech defect. This is a highly informative case of using strategic and systemic processes that can be applied to other presenting problems.
A client asks Erickson to help him stop smoking tobacco. Rather than using a formula, Erickson tailors a treatment approach to both address underlying problems and elicit resources.
This video involves a therapy session with two clients: Monde and Nick. Monde is a 32-year-old women who is married with three children. Monde has had three therapy sessions with Dr. Erickson and has been exposed to hypnosis in prior sessions. Monde is seeing Dr. Erickson because she is feeling insecure about herself as a person, mother, and wife. The other client, Nick, is a 20-year-old sophomore in college who has had no previous experience with hypnosis or psychotherapy. In addition, Nick is an acquaintance of Monde and her husband. The therapy session is conducted in two parts: part one involves Monde as the primary patient while Nick is the secondary patient and part two involves Nick as the primary patient and Monde as the secondary patient.
En la primera parte de Sembrando un tema - Un seminario de enseñanza con Milton Erickson, serás testigo de cómo Erickson planta una semilla sin problemas, conecta los puntos, desarrolla un tema y cierra el ciclo en un período de clase. Aprenderá cómo Erickson condujo la disociación a través del tempo, el contenido y el tono de sus palabras.