Educational Objectives:
To learn a Jungian-Archetypal approach to dream and/or fantasy material
To view basic moves of supervision, and with the dreamer from a Jungian-Archetypal perspective
Participants should bring dreams, especially those that have animal images in them. Work will consist of using traditional and contemporary Jungian methods of dream-work and active imagination.
Two cases in which dream work played important roles will be presented and illustrated with videotaped sessions. The first is a case of a young single man with premature ejaculation, wherein the active, psychodynamic use of dream work "broke through'' the patient's intense resistance. The other is that of a married man with primary retarded ejaculations in which dreams were used to guide the behavioral aspects of therapy.
Educational Objectives:
To list three reasons for working with dreams in the initial interview and in brief psychotherapy.
Given patients with no dreaming, list techniques for eliciting dreams and for "dream substitutes."
$29.00Base Price - $59.00 Sale is $29.00price reduced from Base Price - $59.00
In this experiential workshop, volunteers will be asked to describe a dream in detail and then work on it with Dr. Gendlin. It is not necessary to tell everything; private space and silent meditation are essential. The use of Focusing will be demonstrated.
Erickson demonstrates his utilization method of entering into the client’s world. He demonstrates his unique approach to working with dreams using a parallel process to stimulate strategic understandings of restrictive family patterns.
To list three psychological experiences that facilitate gene expression and brain plasticity. To describe how to engage the creative dynamics of dream work in Ericksonian psychotherapy.
$29.00Base Price - $59.00 Sale is $29.00price reduced from Base Price - $59.00
This is an experiential "dream shop." Since most people spend between 1/4 and 1/3 of each 24 hours in sleep state, learning to make use of dreams can often facilitate and speed up therapy. This workshop offers a unique approach to using dreams therapeutically and will include small group practice in dream retelling and decoding. Come prepared to explore your dreams.
Dreams are a non-threatening way in which the subconscious mind expresses information and gives clues to solutions within the patient's own frame of reference. Ericksonian techniques in the utilization of dreams will demonstrate how to guide development and help people find ways to accept and learn from each experience that life sends our way.