What can mental health professionals do to enhance their performance? Available evidence makes clear that attending a typical continuing education workshop, specializing in the treatment of a particular problem, or learning a new treatment model does little to improve effectiveness. In fact, studies to date indicate clinical effectiveness actually declines with time and experience in the field. The key to improved performance is engaging in deliberate practice. At this workshop, the latest research on deliberate practice will be translated into concrete steps all clinicians can immediately apply in their efforts to achieve better results.
What can mental health professionals do to enhance their performance? Available evidence makes clear that clear that attending a typical continuing education workshop, specializing in the treatment of a particular problem, or learning a new treatment model does little to improve effectiveness. In fact, studies to date indicate clinical effectiveness actually declines with time and experience in the field.
$29.00Base Price - $59.00 Sale is $29.00price reduced from Base Price - $59.00
Psychotherapy is remarkably effective. Fifty years of research provides overwhelming empirical support for the practice. At the same time, study after study shows that the majority of people who could benefit from seeing a therapist never go. Put more bluntly, they would never even consider going. Of those who start, between 25 and 50% unilaterally discontinue prior to experiencing any benefit from the service. Stigma, ignorance, denial, and lack of motivation are the most common reasons cited by professionals for people either not seeking help or dropping out of treatment. Research provides another explanation.
$29.00Base Price - $59.00 Sale is $29.00price reduced from Base Price - $59.00
It’s not a pretty picture. Available evidence indicates that the effectiveness of psychotherapy has not improved in spite of 100 years of theorizing and research. What would help? Not learning a new model of therapy or the “latest” so-called “evidence-based” treatment approach. And no, not attending another CEU event or sorting through that stack of research journals by your desk. A simple, valid, and reliable alternative exists for maximizing the effectiveness and efficiency of treatment based on using ongoing client feedback to empirically tailor services to the individual client needs and characteris- tics.
Feedback-Informed Treatment (FIT) dramatically improves both retention and outcome of behavioral health services. FIT involves routinely and formally soliciting feedback from clients regarding the therapeutic alliance and outcome of care and using the resulting information to inform and tailor service delivery. Dr. Miller will demonstrate how clinicians can integrate FIT into their work regardless of theoretical orientation or professional discipline.
$29.00Base Price - $59.00 Sale is $29.00price reduced from Base Price - $59.00
EP13 Dialogue 02 – Expertise and Psychotherapy: What are the Core Tasks of Psychotherapy? – Donald Meichenbaum, PhD and Scott Miller, PhD
Moderator: Robert Bohanske, PhD
Educational Objectives:
Given a topic, describe the differing approaches to psychotherapy, and identify the strengths and weaknesses of each approach.
$29.00Base Price - $59.00 Sale is $29.00price reduced from Base Price - $59.00