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Topic Areas:
Workshops |  Relationships |  Brief Therapy |  Therapist Development
Brief Therapy Conference |  Brief Therapy Conference 2008
Audio Only
Short Description:
Difficult relationships are often confusing. This disorder, rather than the content differences, often keeps us from finding resolution. Learn a simple, yet detailed, content-free process to sort out this unconscious confusion, reach clarity, understand other's experience, and spontaneously change perceptions and responses to become more resourceful. A demonstration will be given.

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Topic Areas:
Master Classes |  Brief Therapy |  Experiential Therapy |  Gestalt |  Hypnosis |  Psychotherapy
Evolution of Psychotherapy |  Evolution of Psychotherapy 2013
Course Levels:
Master Degree or Higher in Health-Related Field
Audio and Video
Short Description:
Gestalt therapy and Ericksonian hypnotherapy are experiential methods of change. In combination they can be synergistic. Psychotherapy is best when clients have a first-hand experience of an alive therapeutic process. Such dynamic empowering experiences pave the way for dynamic understandings. Drs. Polster and Zeig will engage with each other and the participants to examine commonalities and differences in their work.

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Topic Areas:
Workshops |  Storytelling |  Psychotherapy
Evolution of Psychotherapy |  Evolution of Psychotherapy 2005
Course Levels:
Master Degree or Higher in Health-Related Field
Audio and Video
Short Description:
Michael will present a range of maps of narrative practice. This will include maps for "getting started"; maps for the "middle journey"; maps for the "intersecting journeys" of fellow travelers; maps for finding the "valued pathways"; and maps for the negotiation of "difficult territories."

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Topic Areas:
Master Classes |  Experiential Therapy |  Gestalt |  Hypnosis |  Psychotherapy
EP17 Full Con Audio Download Bundle 2020
Evolution of Psychotherapy |  Evolution of Psychotherapy 2017
Course Levels:
Master Degree or Higher in Health-Related Field
Audio Only
Short Description:
Part 3 of 3. Gestalt therapy and Ericksonian hypnotherapy are experiential methods of change. In combination they can be synergistic. Psychotherapy is best when clients have a first-hand experience of an alive therapeutic process. Such dynamic empowering experiences pave the way for dynamic understandings. Drs. Polster and Zeig will engage with each other and the participants to examine commonalities and differences in their work.

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Topic Areas:
Workshops |  Couples Therapy |  Psychotherapy |  Relationships
Evolution of Psychotherapy |  Evolution of Psychotherapy 1995
2 Hours 33 Minutes
Audio Only
Short Description:
The application of Control Theory to the problem of selecting a compatible mate and/or staying happily married to an existing mate. To do this there will be considerable interaction with the audience.

Average Rating:
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Topic Areas:
Workshops |  Psychotherapy |  Therapist Development
Evolution of Psychotherapy |  Evolution of Psychotherapy 1995
Course Levels:
Master Degree or Higher in Health-Related Field
Audio Only
Short Description:
The human reflex to summarize and animate experiences is a springboard for the formation of selves. Through lecture and live therapy demonstrations, Dr. Polster will show how to identify the population of selves within and how to restore linkage among them, creating a dependable sense of personal identity.

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Topic Areas:
Workshops |  History of Psychotherapy |  Psychotherapy
Evolution of Psychotherapy |  Evolution of Psychotherapy 2005
2 Hours 33 Minutes
Audio Only
Short Description:
Dr. Szasz will compare and contrast the psychiatric and social scene in the late 1950's when he wrote The Myth of Menta/Illness, with the present psychiatric and social scenes. He will speculate about the impact of that book on psychiatric and psychotherapeutic thought and practice. Active audience participation is encouraged.

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Topic Areas:
Workshops |  Couples Therapy |  IMAGO |  Marriage |  Psychotherapy |  Relationships
Evolution of Psychotherapy |  Evolution of Psychotherapy 2005
2 Hours 33 Minutes
Audio Only
Short Description:
Imago is couple's therapy that posits that all healing is relational. The core couples issue is ruptured connection, replicating the rupture of connection in childhood. The rupture and the defenses against it influence marital choice and the quality of the marital relationship. The core therapeutic challenge is to help couples restore and maintain connection. To that end, Imago therapists facilitate couples to reconnect using a specific dialogical process, that creates emotional safety, in which couples can help heal each other and grow toward wholeness.

Credit available - Click Here for more information

Average Rating:
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Topic Areas:
Master Classes |  Experiential Therapy |  Gestalt |  Hypnosis |  Psychotherapy
EP17 Audio Streaming Build a Bundle
Evolution of Psychotherapy |  Evolution of Psychotherapy 2017 |  Online Continuing Education
Audio Only
Short Description:
Part 3 of 3. Gestalt therapy and Ericksonian hypnotherapy are experiential methods of change. In combination they can be synergistic. Psychotherapy is best when clients have a first-hand experience of an alive therapeutic process. Such dynamic empowering experiences pave the way for dynamic understandings. Drs. Polster and Zeig will engage with each other and the participants to examine commonalities and differences in their work.

Average Rating:
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Topic Areas:
Workshops |  Logotherapy |  Reframing
Erickson Congress 2001  |  Erickson Congress
Audio Only
Short Description:
IC01 Workshop 05 - Reframing: The Many Patterns of Meaning - Steve Andreas, MA There are two fundamentally different ways that people make meaning from their experience, and at least seventeen distinctly different simple patterns for changing that meaning through reframing. Exquisite therapists like Erickson and Satir used nearly all these patterns, while most therapists use only a few. Come add to your skills.

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