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4273 - EP85 Invited Address 12a - Rogers, Kohut, and Erickson: A Personal Perspective on Some Similarities and Differences - Carl R. Rogers, PhD

Video Stream
Created: 12/15/1985
Base Price: $59.00 Sale Base Price - $59.00 Price with Discount: $0.00

4274 - EP85 Invited Address 12b - Existential Therapy and the Future - Rollo R. May, PhD

Video Stream
Created: 12/15/1985
Base Price: $29.00 Sale Base Price - $59.00 Price with Discount: $0.00

4275 - EP85 Invited Address 13a - The Evolution of Rational-Emotive Therapy (RET) and Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) - Albert Ellis, PhD

Video Stream
Created: 12/15/1985
Base Price: $29.00 Sale Base Price - $59.00 Price with Discount: $0.00

4276 - EP85 Invited Address 13b - A Dialogue on Cognitive Therapy with Beck and Hausner - Aaron T. Beck, PhD

Video Stream
Created: 12/15/1985
Base Price: $29.00 Sale Base Price - $59.00 Price with Discount: $0.00

4277 - EP85 Special Topic 02 - Grandchildren's Personal Perspectives on the Masters - Margo Adler, Dieter Baumann, Sophie Freud

Video Stream
Created: 12/15/1985
Base Price: $29.00 Sale Base Price - $59.00 Price with Discount: $0.00

4278 - EP85 Special Topic 03 - World Peace - Virginia Satir and Mary Goulding

Audio Stream
Base Price: $15.00 Price with Discount: $0.00

4279 - EP85 Workshop 30 - Aspects of Individualization - Dieter Baumann

Audio Stream
Base Price: $15.00 Price with Discount: $0.00

4280 - EP85 Workshop 31 - A Feminist Perspective on Psychotherapy - Sophie Freud

Audio Stream
Base Price: $15.00 Price with Discount: $0.00

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